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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Legends competitor Vin Esposito, was apparently injured during competiton on Wednesday at the track. According to reports he is home recuperating from his injuries, and will be out of action for awhile. Everyone at Making Laps would like to send our best wishes to Vin for a speedy recoverey.
From what I read on another board his wife posted he is home and has several fractures, ribs I think. Wish him a speedy recovery.
Lillian Esposito: "To All You Racers and Race Fans. Vin is home and he has a large number of fractors on his right side. He wants to thank everyone for there help and there friendship and he isn't moving to well right know but once he's able to he will come on line and answer any questions you might have. A special coment to the 2 brothers (u know who u r) a special thank you from me.... To Jeffrey Paul's sister thank u for taking care of my daughter in a very hard time for her. Again thank you all for your support. I will try to come on line daily and read your mail and print it for vin to read. So please keep the comments going."
From what I read on another board his wife posted he is home and has several fractures, ribs I think.
Can you give me that web site? Would like to post. We raced with Vinny for years. He is a great person. So glad the injuries, although server, were not worse.. as we first thought!
Disclaimer: Here is the link to the site but please, this site has a wide mix of posters and there is more junk than good stuff. This site (Making Laps) and Jeff Pearls sites have the real fans that respect each other.
thanks for the information. I had talked to Vinny on Monday. He is up and walking around....very carefully! He is getting better. He had also given me that site and I couldn't beleive the talk in there! Not a site I will visit often. I do not know about the Pearl site. Is it the same as this? Just like to keep up on the information going on up there.
PS has any one had trouble getting on to the Mod message board? Tried a couple of times...can get every thing else but that.
Sue, check the links button on the top of the page. The people on Pearls site are very much like on here and in most cases are the same folks. Which mod board are you reffering to?
Sorry about that....the mod series scene message forum. I can get on all the other links they have on the main page, except that one.: