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With the annoucement of SEVERAL races being postponed due to fuel shortages , I began to think that perhaps it is time for the Tour (and ALL racing divisions) to switch to Ethanol or Methanol burning engines .
What do you think?
I spend a lot of time in the midwest and I believe the IMCA mods run methenol.
They have claimer motors and pretty good car counts, but they can run at any track because the IMCA rules are the same. I hung with a guy thet worked for me and his son ran Fri at Luxenberg, Sat at Sturgon Bay & Sun at Manitowoc (all dirt tracks) and never had to make any major changes to the car. Same tires and springs. Very inexpensive racing. I think the claimer on the engine is $500 and you have to give them yours. If you do not give it up you loose you points for the season, money for that night and are suspended for a few weeks from that track. Watched a guy load up and leave empty handed after winning the main one night. Keeps them from spending a ton of money. Sorry for the rant but we were just talking about trying to control costs and get more cars. I believe they (IMCA Mods) are just like the TIS Mods. Maybe they are on to something, but talk about cookie cutter cars
Those IMCA cars defintely have large feilds and some good rules . I was unaware they ran Methanol . The Thompson Modifieds are similar to Imca cars , and a good idea , but have not really taken off yet .
Thanx for responding .