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The following press release is from PASS Racing, Inc.
First Four Qualifiers in the Books for PASS Pullen 400 Weekend
(Naples, ME – August 29, 2005) On Saturday night at Oxford Plains Speedway, Oxford, ME, the Limiteds and Strictlys raced for guaranteed starting spots in the $5000 to win Limited (Street Stocks) race and the $1000 to win Strictly race as part of the PASS Pullen 400 Weekend at Beech Ridge Motor Speedway, Scarborough, ME on September 24th and 25th. At the same time, the Wildcats at Beech Ridge were having their qualifier for the big show.
At Oxford, Jerry Harrison of Freeport, ME brought the Ken & Roxie Farley #48 home first and claimed the guaranteed starting spot for the Limiteds. The winner of the Strictly “A” feature was Skip Trip of Sabattus, ME in the RPM Racing Engines #12, and the winner of the Strictly “B” Feature was Kim Trip of Oxford in the #42. Both winners in the Strictlys now have guaranteed starting spots in the $1000 to win race on September 24th and 25th. In fact, Skip Trip was at Beech Ridge Sunday afternoon for the open practice along with over 40 other cars. I would guess that he’s serious about his one.
At Beech Ridge on Saturday night, five Wildcats (Strictlys) came across the finish line pointing in different directions, and Russ Morse of Old Orchard Beach, ME was declared the winner after it was all sorted out. He now is the only Wildcat from Beech Ridge who knows he’s in the show for the $1000 to win in September.
This Saturday night, September 3rd, Beech Ridge will be hosting the qualifier for the Sport Series cars (Limiteds/Street Stocks), and if it’s anything like the Wildcat finish last Saturday night, it will be fun to see.
Saturday night is also the qualifier for the $5000 to win show for Star Speedway and the Super Streets. We’ll see if it’s point’s leader Ron Buldoc, or Jimmy Renfrew, Bobby Gahan, Check Denhey, Lee Weldy, Mitch Wendell or someone else from a very strong field that claims the guaranteed spot.