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That was very cool to see "Dynamite" Dave grab a win. I worked on a Busch North team for a season or two that ran a limited schedule, and in one paticular event at Thompson are driver ran side by side with Dave for literally 25 laps and never touched once. Dave came over after the race and said, "That was great kid I'll race with you any time" both the driver and I as a crew member have had are sucesses on the local level, but that really meant a lot coming from Mr Dion.
Very nice story. It does mean a lot and make you feel good to have respected top runners tell you they respect your team, driver & crew and look forward to racing againt you. We had the same thing happen a couple years ago running the Hooters Pro Cup North Tour.
I have been a fan of Mr. Dion for years, always a clean driver and tough competitor, of course being a Ford man had something to do with it, but that also says a lot about Dave. He has ran Fords for his whole carreer and did so when no one else would and he won with them. Unheard of back in the '70's & '80s.