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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The news should start pouring in from the Stafford Motor Speedway for tonight's installement of the winding down of the SMS 2005 season.
We will bring you news from the track, podium finishers and all the excitement as soon as the phone starts ringing!
Although the chatroom will not be open this evening for intermittent LIVE news from the track, results from tonight's show WILL be posted at the checkers on the Making Laps Forum in the this thread. The Chatroom will be open beginning now for anyone who wants to go there and chat about racing, news, or anything else. I have another committment that I must attend to this evening, and will not be able to stay in the chat for the entire evening, but will try to stop by at least for the SK and Late Models. Please feel free to head to the chatroom and talk with the other racefans there, about SMS or even the Bristol Busch race that will be running concurrent with tonight's SMS show. (The chatroom will still be monitored (kids join our chats) however, so remember to behave, but first and foremost, have fun!
Apparently things are going along rather quickly tonight, as the Dare Stock and Late Model features have been completed. The top 3 in the Dare Stocks were:
George Nocera Jr
Joey Ferigno
Robert Dow
And the Late Model top 4 were:
Mike Quintilliano
Ryan Possoco
Mark Lewis
Marc Atkinson
A three wide battle for lead between Tom Butler, Scott Cook and Jim Mavlouganes ended with both Butler and Mavlouganes coming out on the short end of the stick. Tom Fearn was also an accident victim. SK's are next stay tuned.............
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
According to the reports from the track, Cook led almost the entire way and held off several challenges, before losing the lead with only a few laps to go. Not sure where he ended up in the finish however.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK Modifieds have run their feature and here is the full finish:
Todd Owen
Woody Pitkat
Mike Holdridge
Jimmy Blewett
Willie Hardie
Lylod Agor
Jeff Malave
Keith Rocco
Zach Sylvester
Chuck Docherty
Bo Gunning (In Ruocco #97)
Ted Christopher
Kenny Horton
Robert Drown
Kirk Zervas
Curt Brainerd
Mike Marshall
Brad Hietela
Frank Ruocco
Jeff Baral
Chris Osella (In Sandberg #27)
Point leader Lyold Agor was 6th. TC was an unofficial 12th after pitting several times. Bo Gunning finished outside the top 10 in the back up Ruocco car. Ruocco was apparently leading when he experienced transmission problems on a restart. Limiteds are next things are rolling right along.....
-- Edited by bratmaster at 21:34, 2005-08-26
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
I talked with some of my connections up there and it seems that the track has lost a tone of grip and there is absolutely no outside groove anymore. he also said the tire that the late models are running are horriable. takes like 4 weeks for them to come in. also mentioned the handicapping and how it is messed up.
Talking with a long time WSB driver that has retired this year and he said the lack of an outside groove at the bowl had a lot to do with the lack of rain. Wonder if SMS could be suffering the same fate? Maybe it will be a little better this week after the rain we're getting.