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WATERBURY, VT -- Winning races on the American-Canadian Tour (ACT) is a tough task. So tough in fact, that some drivers go careers without winning one, or drivers who were champions one year could go winless the next. The three upcoming $10,000 to win ACTion Super Series races will be some of the toughest yet, so ACT has posted a $1,000 "New Champion" bonus for the events. The award will go to any Late Model driver who picks up his or her first win of the season, Tour or weekly, in one of the three events. The New Champion award further sweetens the possible payoff for the dozens of Late Model competitors expected to take part in the Super Series. The majority of drivers in each race will be eligible for the award, bringing their possible take to a minumum of $11,000. That total is without taking into account the multitude of other awards up for grabs. "Seeing as how we haven't won one yet, I think I like that pretty well," joked former ACT series champion Phil Scott of Montpelier, VT. about the New Champion bonus. "Hopefully it will happen at the time we need it. It's a good incentive for people." Ironically, Scott who's also a three-time title holder at Thunder Road, won one of his championships at the track without benefit of a feature win. While some drivers will be looking for their first ACT win of the season, others will be looking for their first Tour win period. "It would be pretty special to get our first win (in the Super Series), we work hard," said top rookie driver Scott Payea of Milton, VT. Payea though, also looked at his situation as realistically as possible. "We're still a rookie team, so if we can just keep running up front and having strong finishes, that's just like winning for us," he explained. The ACTion Super Series helps to celebrate ACT's 20th anniversary and includes over $200,000 in purses and awards. The Series kicks off with the Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200 at Barre, Vermont's Thunder Road International Speedbowl, a high banked, quarter-mile oval, on September 4. The Super Series resumes on September 25 at the one-third mile Lee USA Speedway oval in Lee, NH, with the Re/Max Alliance National 150. The Series will conclude at Thunder Road with the New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl on October 2. Discount advance sale tickets are now available for the Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200 through the ACT office (802-244-6963), at the remaining Thunder Road weekly events and at all 32 Bond Auto locations in VT and NH.