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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
For Immediate Release ACT-092810-56
Waterbury, VT - Following the 300 lap event at the Autodrome Ste-Eustache last Sunday, September 26, 2010, a penalty was issued to the # 3QC team of Sylvain Lacombe. The driver is responsible for the actions of his team and following an on-track incident, the teams actions along pit road during the event and subsequently at the conclusion of the event, mandated a penalty for the # 3QC team under the following ACT Rulebook criteria.
ACT rules and procedures..
Page 17, Item H, # 2
At all events, the driver assumes responsibility for the actions of his pit crew and actions in his pit area, including any unpaid fines for violations of conduct. Unpaid fines and/or related charges may be deducted from driver purse or point fund monies. Further, driver may be fined, suspended or otherwise penalized, based on the actions of his/her pit crew.
Page 25, Item K, # 2
Penalties for violation of series/track rules are determined by the gravity of the violation and its effect on the safety and good reputation of the series/track. Such penalties may include disqualification, suspension, fines and/or loss of points.
Page 26, Item K, # 2
Any member who performs an act or participates in actions deemed by officials as detrimental to the sport or to the series/track, including but not limited to verbal abuse of any official, the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the pit area during an event, the use of drugs, fighting and reckless driving may be fined not less than $100 and may also have additional disciplinary measures instituted.
The Lacombe team was disqualified from the event, and will receive no points or purse. Additionally, a $500 CDN fine payable to the RPQ 2010 Point Fund was imposed, prior to any return to ACT competition.
In a related matter at the event, officials from the American Canadian Tour have investigated the issue when the driver of the #4 ON team, Jonathan Urlin from London, Ontario was attacked by an angry mob of fans following the wreck in the final two laps when he and Patrick Laperle from nearby St. Denis, Quebec battled for the win. During the investigation there was no information discovered to verify that anyone other than a number of Laperle fans were responsible for attacking Urlin following the event. In fact, Daniel Laperle, brother and spotter of Patrick Laperle, informed officials that the team is very aware that they have been on probation since the first of June because of a similar incident following a Victory Lane ruckus at the Autodrome Chaudiere.
The two raced hard for the win at the 300-lap race. They wrecked each other. It is unfortunate that a group of fans decided to gang up on one driver who was climbing out of his wrecked racer and beat on him in the garage area while literally every other team and official was out on pit road dealing with other issues. If Jonathan Urlin could have identified any one of the people who assaulted him, we would have supported and assisted with whatever legal options he may have had. As an organization, we are looking into our options on how we might be able to require better security at certain events for our competitors and officials, said Tom Curley, President of the American Canadian Tour.
The next event for the American Canadian Tour is at the Thunder Road Speedbowl in Barre, VT with the 48th running of the Peoples United Bank Milk Bowl. The $80,000.00 event will be run on Saturday, October 2 and 3. Gates will open at 10:00 each day and post time is 1:00. Admission is only $20 dollars for Sunday and a two-day ticket is just $25. Kids 12 and under are free.