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Loudon, NH Hudson, New Hampshires Joey Pole Polewarczyk, Jr. took claimed the win in the Second Annual ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway in Loudon, New Hampshire. Pole worked his way through the field from the 27th starting position, taking advantage of a 58 lap green flag run, to lead the final eight laps of the 60 lap event.
Pole passed Jamie Fisher of Shelburne, Vermont while the two fought their way through heavy lap traffic. Wayne Helliwell, Jr. of Dover, New Hampshire, who wrapped up the Lee USA Speedway track championship in Lee, New Hampshire on Friday night, followed Pole through the hole for second. Fisher would hold onto third while Brian Hoar, who locked up the ACT Late Model Tour Championship last Sunday in the Fall Foliage 300, came home fourth. The Inaugural ACT Invitational Champion Eddie MacDonald of Rowley, Massachusetts completed the top five.
Série ACT Castrol Edge regular Jean-François Déry of Quebec City took sixth, Albany Township, Maines Ricky Rolfe of Oxford Plains Speedway finished seventh, ACT Tour regular Joey Laquerre of East Montpelier, Vermont claimed eighth, Kawartha Speedway regular Dan McHattie of Peterborough, Ontario finished ninth and Série ACT Castrol Edge competitor Patrick Laperle of St-Denis, Quebec completed the top ten.
The 60 lap race on the Magic Mile was completed in 55 minutes and 7 seconds and was completed with just two cautions which came in the first two laps. Lap leaders included Glen Luce, Fisher, McHattie, and Pole for a total of four lead changes.
Next Sunday, September 26, the Série ACT Castrol Edge will complete their 2010 season with a 300 lap event at Autodrome Ste-Eustache in Ste-Eustache, Quebec. The Thunder Road International Speedbowl in Barre, Vermont will host the 48th Annual Peoples United Bank Milk Bowl, a non-point counting event, on Sunday October 3. The ACT Late Model Tour will conclude the 2010 season at Waterford Speedbowl in Waterford, Connecticut with a 150 lap race.
Second Annual ACT Invitational Results
New Hampshire Motor Speedway Loudon, New Hampshire