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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Plattsburgh, NY St-Denis, Quebecs Patrick Laperle earned his second consecutive ACT Late Model Tour win and second consecutive Mohawk Casino Fall Foliage 300 at Airborne Speedway in Plattsburgh, NY. Laperle led early in the event after starting on the outside pole but faded during the mid-portion of the event and went down a lap after spinning on lap 161. After pitting for tires Laperle raced his way back onto the lead lap on lap 211.
Current point leader Brian Hoar and Joey Pole Polewarczyk, Jr., spent much of the race running side by side, swapping the lead, much like last weekends Bond Auto Labor Day Classic. Eric Williams joined the mix late in the event. Laperle made a three wide pass for the lead under Hoar and Williams after the final restart on lap 285.
Hoars second place finish was enough to clinch his seventh ACT Late Model Tour Championship. Pole took third, Brad Leighton fourth and Williams rounded out the top five. Rand Potter, Scott Payea, Brent Dragon, Craig Bushey and Joey Becker completed the top ten.
The event saw seven different leaders swap the lead an official 16 times. Leighton, Pole, Donald Theetge, Payea, Hoar, Williams and Laperle all spent time at the front. The race was completed in 2 hours and 15 minutes with 10 cautions. Nine of the 35 starters completed all 300 laps.
The American Canadian Tour will be back in action next Saturday, September 18 for the second annual ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. Thirty-five of the 43 invitations have been handed out with the eight remaining drivers to be announced tomorrow (Monday, September 13). The 60 lap Invitational will join the Whelen Modified Series and the Camping World Truck Series for a tripleheader event next Saturday.