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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Finish, Start, Driver, Hometown, Laps 1, 3, Ted Christopher, Plainville, CT, 100, Running 2, 1, Ronnie Silk, Norwalk, CT, 100, Running 3, 2, Rowan Pennink, Huntingdon Valley, PA, 100, Running 4, 6, Jeff Malave, Manchester, CT, 100, Running 5, 4, Chris Pasteryak, Lisbon, CT, 100, Running 6, 23, Mike Stefanik, Coventry, RI, 100, Running 7, 11, Bryon Chew, Inlet, NY, 100, Running 8, 7, Eric Goodale, Wading River, NY, 100, Running 9, 9, Richard Savary, Canton, MA, 100, Running 10, 17, Bobby Santos III, Millis, MA, 100, Running 11, 20, Ken Barry, Preston, CT, 100, Running 12, 18, Jon McKennedy, E. Chelmsford, MA, 100, Running 13, 5, Keith Rocco, Wallingford, CT, 100, Running 14, 21, Les Hinckley III, Windsor Locks, CT, 100, Running 15, 12, Dwight Jarvis, Ascutney, VT, 100, Running 16, 24, Max Zachem, Preston, CT, 100, Running 17, 25, Todd Annarummo, Swansea, MA, 100, Running 18, 28, Jack Bateman, Canaan, NH, 100, Running 19, 26, Jacob Dore, Sanford, ME, 99, Running 20, 22, Jimmy Kuhn Jr., Bridgewater, MA, 99, Running 21, 8, Louie Mechalides, Tyngsboro, MA, 99, Running 22, 10, Joe Doucette, Framingham, MA, 99, Running 23, 13, Rob Janovic Jr., Waterford, CT, 98, Running 24, 15, Rob Summers, Vernon, CT, 69, Mechanical 25, 16, Joey Jarvis, Ascutney, VT, 68, Mechanical 26, 27, Rob Goodenough, Swanzey, NH, 46, Overheating 27, 14, Tom Bolles, Ellington, CT, 32, Engine 28, 19, Steve Masse, Bellingham, MA, 24, Accident
DNQ: Dave Ethridge, Norm Wrenn, John Cleary, Don Fowler, Bobby Drown, Todd Owen, Mike Keeler, Jim Dolan, Ryan Preece, Geoff Gernhard
Date: September 10, 2010 Event: Shark Cycle 100 (#17 of 20) Venue: Stafford Motor Speedway Stafford Springs, CT Distance: 100 Laps Time of Race: 37:41 Margin of Victory: 1.684 Best Lap Time: 18.702, 96.246 MPH Mike Stefanik Lap Leaders: (1) Ronnie Silk, (2-100) Ted Christopher Cautions: 2 (24, 34)
They draw a number when they sign in and that designates where they start in the heat races.
Then where you finish in the heat race determines where you start in the feature. Ie if you win the first heat race you start pole in the feature, winner of the second heat race starts outside pole and so on so forth.
The finishing order has Steve Masse as being out of the race due to an accident not sure on if he was penalized, but I also saw him moving thru the field for sure.