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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Stafford Motor Speedway management has run all the qualifying events for tonight's show, and has decided to run the WMT event first due to pending thunderstorms. Tony Hirschman took fast time, and Donny Lia and Chuck Hossfeld, 2nd and 3rd respectively. The cars are lining up now and should be taking the green within minutes.
As for The SMS regular divisions, a fairly good field of 24 SK's allowed for three Heat races this evening. Winners were, Todd Owen, Kenny Horton and Jeff Malave, respectively. Hopefully they will get more in than just the Tour show.
Make sure you visit www.modseriesscene.com for LIVE updates every few laps in the Live race report section of Forum. The MakingLaps.com chatroom will open after the Tour race is completed, or approximately 8:30pm at http://host10.123flashchat.com/makinglaps/ , join us then to talk about tonight's events.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:34, 2005-08-12
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Another night that finds the WMT hosted by SMS, and the SK feature has controvery after controversy. Is it because they stood around waiting for so long and were just impatient and aggravated? Who knows, but 2 laps into the 40 lap feature, Ted Christopher apparently aided the #6 of Chris Osella into the wall. The officials saw that it was an intentionally, or overly aggressive move and put him to the rear for rough riding. Other people were involved in this wreck including the Ted Christopher backup car driven by Eric Berndt. He did not return to action. At lap 12 another major altercation caused a lenghty caution when Willie Hardie Jr. and Jeff Malave got together. TC was involved in this same wreck and a busted radiator took him out of contention and the race. Frank Ruocco and Todd Owen both suffered mechanical difficluties and were in and out of the pits all night. Although through attrition, Owen ended up 9th. Kenny Horton after leading some laps was running 3rd with two to go and ended up wrecked.
The Unofficial SK Top Ten Finishers:
Donny Lia
Lloyd Agor
Willie Hardie Jr.
Jeff Baral
Chuck Docherty
Woody Pitkat
John Sandberg
Kenny Horton
Mark Anderson
Curt Brainerd
We may have the full finish soon, we will try. One of the best car count nights of the year and more cars littered the infield than took the checker...
-- Edited by bratmaster at 12:01, 2005-08-13
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Brat...the top-10 finishers you have listed is completely different than the top-10 the website lists. This page might have the truth, I'm afraid. (Sorry.)
I had some boo boos in the 7th thru 10th finishing positions, the finishes I give as always are unofficial. Especially after last nights wreck fest, with cars being laps down and cars being in and out of the pits numerous times. But thanks for the correction Mandy.