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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Great night for racing down here in southeastern CT, but a somber mood has overtaken the pit area, and grandstands this evening. After all the qualifying was over, all drivers and crew members were invited to the frontstretch to partake in a tribute to Keith Comiskey, and not a surprise, almost everyone obliged. We certainly have kept the Comiskey family in our thoughts and prayers throughout the week, as many have.
In the SK's this evening 22 cars are on hand, no new surprises. In the qualifying heats, Dennis Charette, Mark Pane, and Mike Finkeldey took their respective checkers.
The NEMA Midgets are on hand tonight to start off the show, and the Sportsmen, SK Modifieds, Late Model and Mini Stocks will all run their regularly scheduled events in that order.
Keep watching this thread for more news from the WSB. We will bring you at least the podium winners in all the events, and hopefully the full finish in the SK division.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:30, 2005-08-06
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Well, it wasn't Ben Seitz, or Bobby Santos III this time getting the checker in the NEMA Feature at Waterford. Randy Cabral in a car owned by Midget veteran Bobby Seymour took the checker, with Joey Payne right behind him.
Waterfords's own Sportstmen division is headed out next!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Sorry Sue, and get off soon! I can let you know later as my Dad is always on top of the Midgets, but my eye doesn't know them all as well. I do know it was a number 7 that finished 3rd, but not sure if it was an x or a ny.
Sportsmen Top Five Finishers:
Tim Fogg
Norm Root
Joe Carusio
Mark Lajoie
Roger Perry
The SK's are running now!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK feature is still underway! Apparently in the beginnning laps of the event there was a pile up involving a large number of cars from the field of 22. Many cars were able to return to competition, but some were relegated to sit in the infield or their respective pit stalls. With only 7 laps to go, there are only approximately 10 cars running, and only one wrecker to clear any altercations. The red came out with 7 to go for a tremendous crash involving Dennis Gada and Mark Pane. Seems Mark Pane spun between three and four, while correcting (or not) he pushed up into Gada sending him along the wall on two wheels. Gada left his vehicle under his own power, but not the same can be said for his car. The yellow was brought out after the majority of the debris was cleared away, but having only one wrecker has hindered progress somewhat. Under yellow. with 7 to go, Dennis Charette is leading, with Ronnie Yuhas 2nd, and Rob Janovic third.
More news at the Checker!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Not a great night for Shawn Monahan after his first SK win last week...Shawn had at least one flat tire, and the car aesthetic appearance was representative of being involved in some of those many wrecks this evening. After the checker he ended up in the wall between 1 & 2. Hopefully he is okay.
The Late Model feature is up next.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 21:43, 2005-08-06
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
We may not get a full finish, as there are some scoring questions with many cars being laps down from being involved in wrecks. But we will certainly try to bring it to you.
If you don't get the full finish tonight, that's quite all right. Thank you for the scoop. I appreciate it.
Thanks for that Mandy, but I guess they got it all straightened out. In fact, they had plenty of time to check the scoring during all the red and yellow flag laps this evening...
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Thanks for the full finish. By only reading what happened, a lot of people had good runs going on there. It sucks to see a nice run turn into crap via an accident.
To the Late Models. How many wins in a row is this now for Botticello? I think I count three, but I don't know.
YO - out here for my weekly footnote....lol. Dennis Botticello has won 3 weeks in a row, BUT last week there were double LM features. Bruce Thomas Jr won the 50-lapper before DB took the 35 lapper. So he's won 3 of the last 4 races....
Dennis took a very nasty hit but he is ok, he said he just pulled a muscle in his neck. www.jeff-pearl.com had fotage of the wreck. The clip is good but you dont have the suspense feeling that I got when it happen. It looked like Dennis was gonna be in the bleachures. From looking at up close there was a massive amount of damage. http://www.speedbowl.com/ has a pic of Dennis' car. Rough nite all around, Lots of mangled cars came in and out of the pits. Luckly we were up front and stayed out of it. Congrats to Charette and crew good job.
hey just wondering why this site always has lap by lap comments about the late models and sk modifieds. you know that there are a lot of people who also would like to hear about the mini stocks and sportsman features. just a thought.
Pat, I have to agree that the effect watching the video is so much different than being there. In fact the "eye" said that when he watched the great video, that was so graciously shared with all via www.jeff-pearl.com , he said that it seemed so much slower. I wasn't there live, but I was just out of breath watching it, and that inate human curiosity just makes you watch it over and over. I think the only thing that even comes close to that feeling, was watching Todd Szegedy live from the 4th turn flip the 42 at Stafford that fall day. I can only imagine how Mrs. Gada was feeling, and certainly wouldn't have wanted to be her at the moment....
Thanks Anon, for the comment on the other divisions that we tend not to comment on as specifically as we do the SK's and Late Models. Being that our "eye in the sky" works on an SK team, usually when the other divisions are running he is working on the car, or preparing for his pre, during, and post race duties. Remember this forum is for all divisions, and if you or anyone else would like to comment on any of the racing in those divisions feel free. I am also home in front of the computer during all the action, and if anyone out there would like to call with news worthy information, they can contact me via email makinglaps@aol.com , and we can exchange cell numbers. I would be more than willing to place eyewitness accounts of the racing action in those divisions up LIVE if there are any volunteers to call in that information. And that goes for every local track as well....
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!