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Other teams interested in Ambrose? At least two rival team owners are taking a look at #47-Marcos Ambrose for 2011, if the always-smiling Aussie/Tasmanian racer decides to move on. Ambrose' 2009 rookie NASCAR season was so spectacular, with several near-wins. But he has struggled through the past few months, to put it mildly. And that lost victory at Sonoma last month was all the more biting.MikeMulhern.net)(7-26-2010) UPDATE Ambrose to the #9?: Sirius NASCAR Radio's Sirius Speedway with Dave Moody has learned that Marcos Ambrose will replace Kasey Kahne in the #9 Ford at Richard Petty Motorsports next season. Ambrose said he has no "Plan B" in place for 2011 and could even return to his native Australia if another Sprint Cup opportunity does not surface. Highly placed sources tell Sirius Speedway that a deal with RPM is "95% done," though there is no definitive word on who might sponsor the effort. Ford Racing Marketing Manager Tim Duerr declined to comment specifically on the report today, but said the automaker has longstanding ties with Ambrose. "Marcos started with Ford and Ford brought him to NASCAR," said Duerr. "He bleeds Ford blue, and we would love to see him back in a Ford next season. I don't think that Marcos has a signed Sprint Cup ride for next season at present. It all depends on him, a sponsor and a team putting something together, but I am optimistic that we will see Marcos back in a Ford next season." A spokesman for Richard Petty Motorsports declined to comment today, calling the report "speculation."(Sirius Speedway)(7-28-2010)