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Speedbowl driver Keith Comiskey passed away Saturday following his fourth place finish in the 35-lap SK-Modified finish.
Comiskey, 43, is survived by his wife LeeAnn, children Kory, Keith and Cole and his mother Marilyn. His family will receive friends at the Sandles Funeral Home, 98 Carleton Ave., Islip Terrace, NY on Tuesday and Wednesday, 2-5 and 7-9;;30 PM. A religious service at 8 PM on Wednesday will precede interment at 10 AM at Oakwood Cemetery in Bay Shore, NY.
A Modified veteran of 20-plus seasons, Comiskey began at Riverhead Speedway. He raced throughout the Northeast competing with success, among other places, at Pocono International Speedway and Wall Stadium in New Jersey. Over the past years he settled into competing at the Speedbowl and Thompson Speedway.
"He was an extraordinary family man," said car owner Dr. Paul Orlowski. "In addition to his racing, he coached soccer, football and baseball. His family was a major part of his racing program. Keith touched so many people."
"Keith was a true racer," said Bill Roberts, the Speedbowl race director until recently. "He turned in a great effort last Saturday night and received high praise from everybody involved. The guy always battled hard and clean, a competitor in every sense of the word."
The entire Speedbowl family sends condolences to the Comiskey family.
(Also note that this might already be here. If so, I'm sorry for putting this here again.)