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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The balance of the laps rescheduled from last week's rain interrupted SK 100 Lap Extra Distance event will be run at 6:30pm this evening, followed by a regular show for all the other divisions and another 40 lap SK feature. We expect to bring you all the news and results from the track this evening as it comes in, including all the feature's podium finishes and full results from both SK modified events.
We regret that the chatroom will not be open this evening due to a staffing issue, but we will bring LIVE results to this thread as they come in.
Keep watching this thread, the percipitation potential is only at a 10% chance right now in Stafford Springs, so we should be set for the night.
Back shortly!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 20:47, 2005-07-29
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK 100 turned into a nightmare for Ted Christopher. who actually blew a motor during this 1st SK event of the evening, spun in his own water/oil, and hit the turn one wall a ton destroying the Jim Galante owned#13 car. He had a backup car at the track ready, and will apparently still compete in the 2nd SK event later this evening.
Full Results from the SK 100: (66 laps run tonight-23 cars competed, 3 cars from the original running of the event did not)
Willie Hardie Jr.
Chuck Docherty
Bo Gunning
Frank Ruocco
Lloyd Agor
Donny Lia
Todd Owen
John Sandberg
Zach Sylvester
Keith Rocco
Jeff Malave
Curt Brainard
Mark Anderson
Matt Bushior
Woody Pitkat
Eric Berndt
Chris Osella
Ronnie Silk
Kenny Horton
Chris Jones
Ted Christopher
Jeff Baral
Mike Holdridge
Brad Hietala
Glenn Colvin
Mike Marshall
All the results are unofficial until the Nascar/SMS officials deem them so. Qualifying for thr regular show is underway and the tentative schecule for tonight's event is as follows:
Dare Stock
Late Model
SK Modifieds
Limited Late Model
Stay tuned for more results from SMS, we have a whole regular Friday night schedule left to run!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:29, 2005-07-29
-- Edited by bratmaster at 20:10, 2005-07-29
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The qualifying events are over, and in the SK division Woody Pitkat won the first SK Heat, and Ted Christopher won the 2nd Heat in his back-up car. The back-up car is rumored to be the recently purchased (by TC) Kenny Voight mount renumbered in black duct tape the #13.
The Dare feature is running right now, and we will have the results for you shortly....
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The 40 Lap regular SK event, the second time the SK's have taken the track in a feature tonight, had a few highlights we would be remiss not mentioning.
Ted Christopher has lost the point lead we are told, wrecking in both features, and scoring two DNF's in the SK events tonight.
Frank Ruocco was running about 4th when he was sent to the rear for "running too low" on the track and causing a multi-car wreck due to alledgedly kicking up dirt and debris up onto the racing surface from the inside of the corners.
After all that was said and done, Woody Pitkat almost fresh off his first SK win ever, took his second SK feature win tonight.
SK Modified 40 Lap Full Finish: (2nd event)
Woody Pitkat
Chuck Docherty
Willie Hardie Jr.
Todd Owen
Bo Gunning
Donny Lia
Kenny Horton
Zach Sylvester
Lloyd Agor
Mike Holdridge
Frank Ruocco
Ronnie Silk
Keith Rocco
Curt Brainard
John Sandberg
Jeff Malave
Mark Anderson
Matt Bushior
Ted Christopher
Chris Osella
Jeff Baral
Eric Berndt
It appears that Chris Jones was the only car opting to sit out of the 2nd feature after running the first this evening.
The Limited Late Model event will be completed shortly. I won't just guess at the finish, although I would have a strong chance of guessing it right....
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:41, 2005-07-29
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:52, 2005-07-29
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
I'm getting a little miffed this week. Let's see why I'm miffed:
SK Modified (x2): Both feature winners are ones that I would root for if I would like to. And I would like to comment on that little incident in the regular 40-lap feature. Now, I don't want to play favorites, but it seems like I have to here. I wasn't paying attention, and I had witnesses who saw the event occur, but I assure you...they say it was not Ruocco's fault. I heard "claims" and "reports" that Docherty pushed Ruocco into the dirt and therefore "caused" the accident. I'll leave it with that and let you decide what happened...
DARE Stocks: Finally...Fran Siana wins a race. He should have won the race where he was leading with about two to go and something expired on him. It was about time that something went right with that team.
Late Models: Do I have to mention this? I don't want to, but I will. Posocco won. I should have paid to see one of the other top-5 drivers win the race. Enough about that, and let's get to the most dominating feature of the night...
Michael Bennett Feature (Limited Late Models): See what I mean? If Andrew Durand's car didn't expire on him, I'm sure he could have won. But no...it had to happen and Bennett wins his 11th race of the 2005 season. What luck he's having. I'm sure something's illegal underneath the hood. NASCAR officials just don't check under there at the right moment.
In other news: Does it seem that someone thinks I'm cute? Throughout the night, I find out that one of the crew members of one of the SK Modified teams (I'm not mentioning names because I don't know who he is and I'm not going to give out the car number) keeps looking at me. And this is every time he walks by me! Could this be something to investigate? I'll have supposed "continuing coverage" Friday.
Well, that's wraps up this installment of weekly racing at Stafford. Until next week...see ya! :)
According to Stash himself the 91 is set to run as low a line is possible. Frank likes to throw it low and deep and as long as it sticks he good to go. I think he was sticking it down low but had to go lower than norm because of another car next to him.
I look at it this way ..... Stafford giveth Stafford take it away. Frank was at least one lap down according to transponder times on the amb site on the rained out 40 lapper. When the race was resumed on lap 10 he was placed back on the lead lap. Stafford gave him a bunch of spots sunday and than took them back on friday.
It was interested to watch the 13. It had been rumored for some time now that he was running his own personal equipment (not to be confused with Gallantes) and I guess last night was more evidence. He had a rough night but he was due for the same string of bad luck everyone gets. I had never liked the way the 71 raced - not a TC fan either but it does seem strange TC would buy the 71s operation and use his motor when we know the 71 was usually pretty slow. Heard TC will have Billy power in the repainted 71 in two weeks.
I think it's time for a change of moods. Listen to this (from the Stafford Speedway website):
(Stafford Springs, CT)---Following post race technical inspection from the Friday, June 29 NASCAR Dodge Weekly Series feature events at Stafford Motor Speedway, the following change has been made to the DARE Stock order of finish.
DARE Stock feature winner Fran Siana and third place finisher Tom Stirk were each disqualified from the order of finish, making Joey Ferrigno the winner. Both Siana's and Stirk's cars were found to have non approved shocks and they were each disqualified from their finishing position.