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Brian Hoar Claims 26th Career ACT Win in White Mountain 150
North Woodstock, NH Willistons Brian Hoar earned his first ACT Late Model Tour win of the season and his 26th career ACT victory. Hoar took the lead on the final restart with 16 laps remaining from Hyde Parks Eric Williams. Williams would hold on for second followed by Newport, NHs Mark Hayward.
Hayward started on the pole and led the majority of the race before battling with Williams in the later stages of the race. Williams came from the seventh starting position to take the lead on lap 90. Williams and Hayward then swapped the lead several times before Hoar made his way to the front from the eleventh starting position.
Mark Lamberton and Jeff Zuidema completed the top five while Brent Dragon, Scott Payea, Craig Bushey, Joey Polewarczyk, Jr. and Joey Laquerre rounded out the top ten.
The race was slowed by four cautions and was completed in 56 minutes and 34 seconds after a rain delay before the start of the 150 lap event. Nineteen cars completed all 150 laps.
Hoar becomes the seventh driver to qualify for the second running of the ACT Invitational at New Hampshire Motor Speedway on Saturday, September 18. He joins Nick Sweet, Eddie MacDonald, Patrick Laperle, Karl Allard, Miles Chipman and Dave Pembroke.
The ACT Late Model Tour has next weekend off before heading to Airborne Speedway in Plattsbugh, NY for the makeup of the Furniture World of VT Spring Green 100 on Saturday, July 10th.