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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
We will be bringing you LIVE News & Results from tonight's make-up event at the Stafford Motor Speedway as soon as they start arriving from the track.
Tentatively the SK Modified race begins the show with a 30 lap sprint with the lineup as they took the red after 10 laps were completed on the original night of racing when it began to rain.
The Late Models are running their annual extra distance event of 100 exciting laps, and we will be right there with at least the podium finish when the checker drops.
Keep watching this thread, be back soon
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK's will be taking the green shortly for their event. Only 19 cars showed up out of the original 22, 3 cars of the field not showing up to continue running the event. The #8 of Doug Coby, who has left the Aspinwall ride, the #6 of Chris Osella who would have started tonight one lap down, and weekly SMS SK modified competitor Jeff Johnson all have apparently decide to not eun the last 30 laps. Lloyd Agor who was in an altercation in the first ten laps of tonight's event on the day it originally ran, will be one lap down when the green drops. Not sure if there are any other drivers starting in a deficit situation.
We will let you know as soon as the checker drops.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Very clean SK feature, eyewitnesses say that there was only one caution. The winner of tonight's feature for the SK modifieds is a rookie contender in 2005, and had never won an Sk event.
SK Modified Full (Unofficial) Finish:
Keith Rocco
Kenny Horton
Ronnie Silk
Ted Christopher
Donny Lia
Jeff Malave
frank Ruocco
Todd Owen
Chuck Docherty
Eric berndt
Geln Colvin
Jeff Baral
Curt Brainard
Woody Pitkat
Mike Holdridge
Willie Hardie Jr.
Lloyd Agor
John Sandberg
Brad Hietala
the following drivers were scored as DNF
Doug Coby 20th, Kirk Zervas 21st, Jeff Johnson 22nd, and Chris Osella 23rd.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 20:10, 2005-07-24
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Here are some takes on the night. Let me make it short, too. All the drivers who won are guys who deserve to see Victory Lane before the end of their careers.