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I think it is great that some drivers are so lucky that they happen to get yellows everytime they are in need.
Like the one that came out after Johnson bounced it off the wall and Hamlin ran through the grass but neither spun, stopped or really even slowed much. Maybe the yellow was so they could check how the lawn was doing where Hamlin went through. The only good thing was that Ky Bush wrecked pulling out of his pit.
And then later in the race JJ, Jr & Ky were about to be lapped and Hamlin was in position for the lucky dog and 'presto-chango' mr green turned into mr yellow and problem solved for the lucky few.
And I think they put it out real soon when Robby Gordon hit. There didn't seem to be any debris, he made it to the inside apron and his tiires hadn't come apart but instant yellow.
Let them race, heck at least pitting under the green they weren't running over crew members!