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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Every amateur meteorologist in my house and others have been watching the weather all day to decide whether rain will come prior, during, or not until after the running of tonights SK 100 Lapper. It looks as if it may hold of until after, or at least that's what those amateurs think. Here's the radar which will refresh everytime you return to it, and be the most current available, thanks to weather.com.
We will bring you LIVE News and Results from the Stafford Motor Speedway in the MakingLaps.com chatroom at approximately 8:30 pm tonight.
Join us at 8:30pm, but until then, here's the 600 mile radius current doppler radar for Stafford Springs, CT.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 17:26, 2005-07-22
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The features have begun with the Limited Late Model Division taking the first green in tonight's feature action. The tentative schedule is as follows:
Limited Late Model
Late Model
25 SK's at SMS tonight, with the return of Champion Bo Gunning to the entry list. Also running tonight in the SK's, is Matt Bushior, former Riverside competitor. The SK qualifying heats were won by Mike Holdridge and Keith Rocco.
An interesting side note, Zach Sylvester took over the driving duties in Mark Aspinwall's #8 SK, with Doug Coby rumored to have left the team voluntarily.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:34, 2005-07-22
-- Edited by bratmaster at 19:54, 2005-07-22
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Tom Fearn who was running 2nd, was spun with five to go by Mike Quintilliano. "Q" was given a "drive thru" penalty for overagressive driving, and either decided to park it after that or was parked because he never returned to the feature. Unlike Tom Fearn who with only those few laps left had such a fast car he made it back up into the top 10.
Rain is imminent. Tolland County is under a Sever Thunderstorm Warning as we speak, and the thunderstorms are past Springfield, MA, and heading toward SMS very quickly. The SK feature started about 8:30pm, but it is apparent that they will probably not get the whole 100 laps in on their first try. We will keep you updated as soon as we hear anything more.
-- Edited by bratmaster at 21:06, 2005-07-22
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!