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Weather postpones "60th Season" opening day at Oswego one week to May 15th
After a relatively mild winter by central New York standards, Mother Nature interrupted the scheduled start of the 60th consecutive summer of racing at the Oswego Speedway by dishing up a windy and cold Mothers Day Weekend complete with wet snow in the forecast in parts of central New York. Supermodified and Small Block Supermodified fans will only have to wait one week for the season to kick into gear as the Oswego Speedway management has decide to fill the vacant May 15th date on the schedule with the postponed Burrit Motors and Syracuse Post-Standard 60th Season Opening Day.
In 2009 Otto Sitterly captured both the Track Championship and the International Classic in the Novelis Supermodified division. Over in the PathFinder Bank SBS Series, Dave Gruel was the Track Champion and Mike Bond won the SBS Classic. Sitterly is back to defend both of his crowns while Gruel makes the long awaited jump to the Novelis Supermodified division where he will compete for the Cleaning for a Reason Rookie of the Year award. Mike Bond returns and likely will end the 2010 season as the all time leader in points and feature victories in the nineteen year history of the PathFinder Bank SBS Series. The 60th Season opener is sponsored by Burritt Motors and the Syracuse Post-Standard.
R.M. Burritt Motors is the longest running vehicle sponsor at the Speedway as they have provided the Official Pace Vehicles for over forty years. Burritt Motors always has a great selection of new Chevrolets and Buicks and large selection of used cars, trucks, vans and SUVs. Burritts award winning Service Department can handle your factory work on any General Motors brand vehicle. Burritt Motors offers each of their customers a no hassle opportunity to make better buying decision when it comes time to replace he field of race cars or add to their personal vehicle needs. Burritt has the ability to find any brand of used vehicle or any new Chevrolet or Buick in just 24 hours at a price that will beat any other dealer pricing. A brand new 2010 Chevy Avalanche will be pacing the field of race cars here at the Oswego Speedway this season.
The Syracuse Post-Standard has been a long time coverage provider of racing action at the Oswego Speedway and all race tracks throughout central New York. Thursday mornings during the racing season you can find a full color ad for the Oswego Speedway on their racing page which highlights the various activities lined up at race tracks for that weekend. Racing columnist Doug Elkin covers much of the racing action throughout central New York each week.
The Oswego Speedway welcomes Burritt Motors and the Syracuse Post-Standard as opening day sponsors for the 60th Season of racing in 2010.