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Crawford not entered at Kansas UPDATE 3 Official announcement, Crawford in the #76 at Kansas: Rick Crawford and #14 Circle Bar Racing Ford are not listed on the Preliminary Entry List for the O'Reilly Auto Parts 250 at Kansas Speedway, and Rick's status on making the race is still unknown at this point. If Crawford does not enter with the #14 Circle Bar Racing Ford's owner points, that moves the #01-Daisy Ramirez Motorsports Chevy with driver Carl Long into the final locked in position at Kansas.(4-26-2010)
UPDATE: During the The Morning Drive w/ Mike Bagley & Pete Pistone broadcast on Sirius NASCAR Radio, Rick Crawford said that he will be at Kansas, but unless something changes dramatically in the next few hours, it would not be with the the #14 Circle Bar truck. Crawford said he had the "Superseal" deal signed and would be at Kansas. [Superseal is a sponsor for the #76 with Hackett Racing].(4-27-2010)
UPDATE 2: Preliminary Entry List for the O'Reilly 250 at Kansas Speedway has been updated and lists Rick Crawford as driver for the #76 Superseal Ford for Hackett Racing.(4-28-2010)
UPDATE 3: Ray Hackett Racing is pleased to announce that NASCAR Camping World Truck Series veteran Rick Crawford will be behind the wheel of its #76 SUPERSEAL Construction Products Ford F-Series truck for the O'Reilly Auto Parts 250 at Kansas Speedway. This weekend's pairing of Hackett Racing and Rick Crawford will allow Crawford to extend his current Truck Series record starts to 327 and will give the first year team valuable input from a Truck Series mainstay. Crawford is no stranger to the 1.5 mile oval at Kansas either. He is one of only four drivers that have raced in all nine previous truck races at the Speedway. In those nine races Crawford has scored three top-5 finishes including back-to-back second place finishes in 2006 and 2007, and six top-10s. Crawford stated about his new relationship with Ray Hackett Racing: "While we continue to search for sponsorship that will allow the 14 Circle Bar Racing team to return to competition, I appreciate the opportunity to work with Hackett Racing this weekend. Travis (Sharpe, crew chief) has assembled a solid crew of racers and I'm looking forward to helping them baseline their Ford F-150 this weekend at Kansas." SUPERSEAL Construction Products will provide the primary sponsorship for the team and Crawford at Kansas. The North American leader in dimpled membranes for waterproofing or damp-proofing previously partnered with Ray Hackett Racing at Martinsville and Nashville and is enthusiastic to come aboard once again with Crawford in the driver's seat.(Rick Crawford PR)(4-28-2010)
-- Edited by openwheelracer on Wednesday 28th of April 2010 07:22:34 PM