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BARRE, VT -- Vermont's Governor, the Honorable Jim Douglas and the New England Dodge Dealers invite you to be a part of stock car racing history in the Green Mountain state as Thunder Road brings back the Vermont Governor's Cup on Thursday, July 28. The historic event, which has been contested at both the high-banked quarter-mile oval and the former Catamount Stadium in Milton, VT, dates back to 1961 when Mike Osborne, the "Yankee Flyer" was the winner and F. Ray Keyser Jr., of Chelsea was Governor. In fact, the winner's list reads like a veritable racing who's who. Among the drivers who've carried the checkers in the event include the great Rene Charland (1966), Canadian legend Jean-Paul Cabana (1971), Bobby Dragon (1975, 1979 and 1985), "Dynamite" Dave Dion (1973 and 1976), Andre Manny (1967) and four time winner Robbie Crouch, among others. Crouch, known as the "Tampa Tornado" holds the distinction as being the lone driver to win back-to-back Governor's Cups (1986-1987). Jim Cilley, winner in 1988, was victorious in the last Vermont Governor's Cup. Hyde Park's Eric Williams shook the hand of Gov. Jim Douglas in Victory Lane following the 2003 Vermont Milk Bowl, "I'd sure like to shake his hand again after winning the Governor's Cup!" he stated with a grin. Williams has yet to win this season but has experience and victories in long distance races. "My car's been going pretty good of late, we've tried a few things which have helped. As a driver in the longer distance races you have to remember that you don't need to be aggressive early, to let the race come to you. I used that philosophy in the Milk Bowl and it worked, we'll see how it goes in the Governor's Cup." The 2005 edition, will feature the ACT Late Models in a 100 lap event which is expected to draw several of the traveling ACT Tour teams as they begin preparations for September's $10,000 to win Bond Auto Labor Day Classic, the first of three ACTion Super Series races recently announced by ACT. The New England Dodge Dealers Governor's Cup has a post time of 6:00 pm on Thursday, July 28. Spectator gates will open at 4:00. Admission prices are $13 for adults and $3 for kids.