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I FINALLY was able to attend another NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour season opener this past weekend at Thompson Speedway's ICEBREAKER. I just though I would share some of my views from the event.
BOBBY SANTOS III - Bobby is a driver I ALWAYS thought deserved to be in a top ride on the Tour. His perfromance this weekend at Thompson should silence anyone that has ever doubted his ability to compete on the Tour. Fastest car in practice, Coors Light Pole with a new Track Record, and a dominating win. Oh yes, he is also the points leader heading to the Spring Sizzler at Stafford Motor Speedway.
RYAN PREECE - Ryan was actually my pick to win the event, but came up one spot short. I know that Mike Stefanik and his followers think Ryan was a bit too agressive, but I seriously doubt it was intentional. Regardless, I think Ryan will definitely be in the hunt for the Title once again this season.
MIKE STEFANIK - Speaaking of Mike, I was impressed will how well he ran this weekend. It is nice to see one of the "old timers" still compete for a win. On a personall note though, I think he was a little harsh on Ryan. This is just my opinion and take it for what you will.
BURT MYERS - You had to know I would mention him sooner or later. You can say what you want but I think Burt did a pretty comendable job this weekend. Point one - He knocked TC off the pole, eventually qualifying fifth. Yes he only finished 14th, but he did a great job staying out of trouble and learning the track. I for one can not wait to see him back in October.
CROWD - Was it just me or was that place packed!!!! The crowd on Saturday was even pretty good. I personally thought there was a good amount of campers although it may not have been like the old days, there were quite a few.
TRACK - 70 years. That's amazing. And with the dedication that Don Hoening shows, it will be here for 70 more and then some.
CAR COUNTS - I find it pretty amazing that the largest field of cars were the most expensive to run. 37 NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour cars were on hand. Not an amazing amount, but more than any of the other divisions. It might be just me, but the whole Super Late Model Late Model thing is kinda silly in my opinion. And I know it may offend some people, but those Thompson Modifieds are a waste of time and money in my opinion. That division has just never gone anywhere.
THE RACING - Saturday's Sunoco Modifie feature made me remember why I love Thompson Speedway and Open Wheel Modified Racing. That was one of the most exciting events I have seen in a LONG time. The NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour race may not have been the best, but with the exception of a few spin outs mainly it was a pretty clean race. No huge wrecks, and some great competiton up front. The Limited Sportsman race was a good battle, but it seemed that a lot of blocking was being done up front. Just my opinion on that as well. The Late Models and Super Late Models had some decent racing, but I miss the days of when they ran side-by-side several rows deep the entire race. I enjoyed the Mini-Stock race and thought it was pretty cool to see a green car win. For those of you who do not know, green is supposed to be bad luck. The Thompson Modified race just was not much for me. There are just not enough cars.
In closing, I had a VERY enjoyable time. The kids and my Fiance enjoyed themselves also. I have to thank John Hoffman for his hospitality Friday and Saturday night. Samantha wants to know when we can go see you at the campground again. Was great to see all my old friends including "OpenWheelRacer". Hope to see you all again soon. Come on up my way for Albany-Saratoga.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour on Tuesday 13th of April 2010 07:38:21 AM