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NASCAR parks Leffler for retaliation on Buescher: UPDATE: Showing that a payback that ends another car's day is unacceptable, NASCAR parked Braun Racing's #38-Jason Leffler for retaliating against Phoenix Racing's #1-James Buescher during the Nashville 300 at Nashville Superspeedway. The situation began shortly after the start of the race Saturday when Buescher had gotten loose underneath Leffler, and Leffler hit the wall hard on lap 43. It took more than 60 laps for Leffler's team to repair his car, and at lap 143, Leffler ran into the side of Buescher, whose car slammed into the outside wall and briefly caught fire. After the seven laps under caution, Leffler was sent to the garage by NASCAR for the day. He finished 39th, and possibly could have finished 32nd a difference of 21 points. Leffler didn't totally admit that he did it on purpose. Buescher obviously thought it was intentional. And NASCAR Nationwide Series Director Joe Balash said it appeared intentional. Balash said NASCAR will take another look at the incident this week to see if there will be any further penalties.(Scene Daily)(4-4-2010)
UPDATE: NASCAR has placed Jason Leffler, driver of the #38 car in the NASCAR Nationwide Series, on probation for the next three NASCAR Nationwide Series events for a rule violation he committed during the race at Nashville Superspeedway on April 3. Leffler's probation will run until April 28 of this year. Leffler was found to have violated Section 12-1 (actions detrimental to stock car racing aggressive driving) of the 2010 NASCAR Nationwide Series Rule Book.(NASCAR PR)(4-6-2010)