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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Well it's the talk of the town, the last lap incident between Shawn Monahan and Ronnie Silk that cost both of them a shot at the win. In your opinion who's fault was it? Either driver? The officials? Let's here your opinion's!!
My take on the Monaham and Silk wreck is: Its the tracks fault. The caution should have come out sooner. Shawn was making his move into the lead heading toward a wreck. What do you exscpect to happen. I saw a video clip of what happend. It looks as if when Shawn went under Silk they touched and Shawn locked up the brakes and slip up the track resulting in the wrecking. Not to be promotong other sites but I saw the clip on http://www.jeff-pearl.com/forum/index.php
The video shows Yuhas slow up. So why didn't Monahan? What the hell were he and his spotter watching? How could they have not seen Fowler in the turn????
Yeah Ron slowed up because he saw the lights go on and his spotter told him to. I looked at it again and Ron slows up about at the pit gate. The spotters should have been paying attention to to tell them(Monaham and Silk) earlyer. I think Monaham saw a chance to win when Silk moved up to avoid Fowler and then found out he had to stop.I just though the caution should have come out at the score board or earlyer. Couldnt tell you where Monahams spotter was watching.
You can see the first one to slow down was the 6 but it looks like the 31 and the 1 weren't slowing down all that much. Even if they were slowing, the 31 just drove inside of Silk while slowing and Silk just turns down on the 31.
It doesn't look to me that the 31 went in and slid up the track until the 1 made contact, it looks hard enough to have broke something in the RF of the 31. The video quality isn't the greatest but is the RF of the 31 toed out badly and smoking as it's going up the track?
Look at the ground the 6 lost in a second, that's why i'm thinking neither of them were going to lift at that point since the flagman was late on the caution twice earlier in the race, even though they knew some kind of wreck was there.
When the 91 spun the first time in the middle of 1&2 they left the green out until the leaders where into turn 1. Later with the big wreck caused by the 91 in the backstretch, the leaders made it all the way into the middle of 1&2 again with cars scattered everywhere just off of two before they decided that the wreck wasn't going to fix itself.
Add to that racing by both of them for the win with just over a lap to go and the flagman/racedirector or whoever is calling the shots leaving the green out for way to long breeds stuff like this. Leaving wrecked or spun cars on the track until they are a lap down in earlier weeks has been the normal deal with the speedbowl giving everyone the mentality of not stopping until you're damned sure the flagman is going to stop the race. By the time the caution came out there is maybe one or two seconds that pass before contact is made, hardly enough time. Remeber the whole video that was posted is 6 seconds long from coming off of two until both cars are in the fence.