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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
After all these years we FINALLY have a great TV deal for the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tours, (if it is indeed the truth) with races on both SPEED and VERSUS. So NASCAR you get a thumbs up from me on that.
BUT, then you go and cut season ending pay for 15th-20th in final season points. Like that money is really going to hurt you and your billion dollar empire. Sell a few more T-shirts or charge a track a few more dollars to host your BORING taxi cab events.
You are killing your grass root racers one bonehead move at a time. These guys can NOT afford to loose the money. Take it away from these taxi cab driving glamour boys who think NOTHING of paying a $10,000 dollar fine. These guys donate more money to charity in one check than you have paid the Tour since it began.
PLEASE NASCAR just let the Modifieds go, stop torturing the owners drivers and the fans. You have your "Big 3", why should you care about the division that started it all for you?
NASCAR cut 16 thru 20 not 15 thru 20 and the cut is still a cut, but it is only $6,500 (reported by the Hartford Courant) out of the Total Point Fund of $298,687 for the 2009 season. It could have been a lot worse if NASCAR had cut 10% of the purse money from each event like they did to the big three and let's hope NASCAR restores the money in 2011. It still upsets me and everyone else, but it's still the best paying Modified Tour that runs today.
-- Edited by MOD11RACER on Saturday 13th of March 2010 05:39:57 PM
The point Mod 11, is that the "Big 3" especially the Sprint Cup Series teams can afford to loose a few bucks. These start and parkers earn more for running a couple laps than the NASCAR Whelen Modified and Whelen Southern Modified Champions COMBINED will earn for running an entire season. And if it is ONLY $6,500 is the France family really that broke???? If so maybe they can start picking up cans after their races.
Again I didn't say it didn't hurt but it could have been worse. Let's hope the TV deal turns out to be a good thing. I'm trying to look @ the glass as half full.
I'm hoping the TV help some of these other drivers land a sponsor or two to fill the money gap at least. I understand your points Mod 11. It just seems everytime the Tour has good news, NASCAR slaps them in the face with some bad news. Last year we got Bristol BUT they moved the banquet. This year we got TV, BUT they pay out less money.