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Harvick wins at Las Vegas: #33-Kevin Harvick won the Sam's Town 300 at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. It his is second victory at Las Vegas and the 35th of his Nationwide Series career. #20-Denny Hamlin was second. The rest of the top 10: #60-Carl Edwards, #22-Brad Keselowski, #32-Brian Vickers, #99-Trevor Bayne, #12-Justin Allgaier, #98-Paul Menard, #27-Greg Biffle, and #66-Steve Wallace. #7-Danica Patrick wrecked with #81-Michael McDowell just before the halfway point of the race and finished 36th. The race started 90 minutes late after rain moved through the track just before the scheduled start and the race was yellow flagged a couple times for light rain. There were 8 cautions for 39 laps and 14 lead changes among 10 leaders. Complete results are posted on the Las Vegas race results page.(2-27-2010)
Actually, given a late start due to rain the race was pretty good. They had one rain yellow but never had to go to red but that made it interesting as they had to race to half and beyond as if the race could end at any time as rain clouds loomed and it seem to rain every where but on the track.
Danica actually did well, as she started 35th and started working her way up through the field. She got off sequence with Cozin Carl and at one time was running in 3rd position. Her wreck was kind of 50/50. She ran up on a car with prior damage running a little slow and she was on new tires. She made a move to go low and didn't give him much room and he decided at the last second to move down and give her the outside....
-- Edited by spdracer19 on Sunday 28th of February 2010 12:04:57 AM