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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The Dare portion of today's events at Stafford Motor Speedway has concluded. Tentatively the schedule will be as follows:
Late Model-15 Laps
SK- 40 Laps
Tour- 150 Laps
The chatroom will be open and we'll bring you LIVE News & Results from the track as it comes in. Don't forget to go to modseriesscene.com for a comprehensive every few lap results thread during the Whelen Modified Tour event.
The Sk portion of today's events has completed with virtually no contoversy except one. Apparently, Willie Hardie was leading with Mike Holdridge 2nd. Willie ended up in the wall and Mike Holdridge ended up parked in the infield , blackflagged for rough riding. But ended up being scored with a 13th place finish. After the race an unidentified female fan showed their displeasure with Mike Holdridge with hand gestures and yelling. Mike held his composure, unlike other drivers in the past, ie; Chris Jones. But in the pit area the crews were nose to nose sharing obscenities and threats and although the cops were there ready to intervene at a moments notice, no blows were exchanged and the crowd dispersed....
SK Modified Full Finish (Unofficial):
Ronnie Silk
Todd Owen
Ted Christopher
Doug Coby
Keith Rocco
Lloyd Agor
Brad Hietala
Curt Brainard
Donny Lia
Jeff Baral
Frank Ruocco
Eric Berndt
Mike Holdridge
Chuck Docherty
Jeff Malave
Glen Colvin
Dave Salzarulo
Curt Zervas
Woody Pitkat
Jeff Johnson
Chris Osella
Willie Hardie
John Sandberg
The Tour cars are being staged now, and will take the green within the half an hour. Don't forget to check modseriesscene.com for live updates throughout the race. And come and chat about it at http://host10.123flashchat.com/makinglaps/ !
-- Edited by bratmaster at 18:29, 2005-07-03
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Anyone want takes? I have them...on the day of the event!
DARE Stocks: First, I'd like to know what Aaron Goff was thinking when he put Stacey Botticello around. And then I'd like to know what Stacey was thinking when she was about to head for Goff's bumper. The only thing I wouldn't like to know about is the rest of the race; I only care about the winner. Way to go, girl!
Late Models: Once again, score another win for Quintiliano. Like I said before, he knows how to get around the track. There is no stopping this man when it comes to this division. (Before I forget, here's a side note: Craig Collins is taking over the #48 ride for the rest of the year. God knows what happened with Jay Stuart.)
SK Modifieds: Before you start, I was not the unidentified female. Don't even get me started on that because I'm not the person who you should be after. Second, that was a pretty sweet 40-lapper. It's a nice thing to see someone who you haven't seen in about a year end back up in Victory Lane. Congratulations, Ronnie! :)
Whelen Tour: Fine. That's about it. The race was fine. *pauses for a second* Of course it wasn't fine! I was hoping that Hossfeld won the race, but no...Christopher has to stick his nose into other people's fine runs and take all the credit for himself. You either love him or you hate him. And in this case, I happen to hate him.
Rescheduled Late Model 100 is Friday night. I hope to recap some racing for you then!
It was my first time back to Stafford since we stopped running their, and it was the usual stuff. im with Mandy, I have no idea what Goff was thinking, because it was painfully obvious he was trying to run her over. Looks like Q is the man to beat, a good driver in a good car, equals good results. as for the Sk's, Silkie was bad fast the entire race. Willie was running away with it until he spun. overall a good race. i was very surprised with the tour race after the Sizzler, even though they were similiar. a lot of yellows early, then green late. Have to give props to Doug Coby. He was bad fast the entire race,and did a great job at the end holding off the veterans on new rubber. Zach was pretty fast, but it looked like he got loose off of 4 and couldnt hang on. a pretty rough race. also good job for James Civali, getting a top 10 in his second start. at times he drove it like it was na Sk, driving it in deep and a little too hard. the weather was great, and the pit party went off well, and was fun.
There has been nothing official from SMS confirming that the #13 LM of Mike Quintilliano was disqualified, however it was stated in Jason Christleys, (auto racing writer for the New London Day News Paper) that he was, but unless we see something official from SMS confirming this, it's just hearsay.
1. If NASCAR officials did indeed disqualify Quintiliano, we would have heard about it by now. Since we didn't hear anything about a disqualification, then we know that Quintiliano's win yesterday is legal.
2. Ben, if you'd like to answer this, then go ahead...if you don't, then that's fine by me...why did Jay stop running at Stafford? Is it because of the competition there? Is it something else?
3. Came on a few minutes ago, and wow! Sorry if this is off-topic, but you're looking at the 64LLM Hate Club president! ;)
Mike was DQ'd and they gave it back to them - they threatened the track. It's totally not fair and all late models should protest and not race this Friday. Mikes car and engine and shocks are totally illegal and the car should not be allowed back.
Mike was DQ'd and they gave it back to them - they threatened the track. It's totally not fair and all late models should protest and not race this Friday. Mikes car and engine and shocks are totally illegal and the car should not be allowed back.
Like I said before...unless I've heard it on the Stafford site, then I can't believe you.
Well Mandy, the main reason was money. Jay doesnt have a sponsor, and we dont have that many crew guys. The first plan was to run Stafford full time, and the Bowl on the side, depending on when Ray and Jay wanted to, since Ray is helping out a lot on the Bowl car. We were running a lot better at the bowl then at Stafford, so Jay decided to stick to running one track so we wouldnt drain our resources on 2 cars when we could put it into one and run a lot better. Jay might run a few selected races at Stafford, but for now the Stafford car sits in the shop. We considered taking it to Thompson when the tour and bns was there but we did not want to risk damaging it since it is in great condition. hope this answers your question.