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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
It's a beautiful sunny evening at the Connecticut shoreline with a slight breeze coming off the Long Island Sound. The Waterford Speedbowl has not threat of poor weather on it's agenda, for a change and the features have started with the Sportsmen division.
Sportsmen top Five Finishers:
Al Stone
Dan Darnstadt
Billy Gersch
Norm Root
Joe Curiso
Side note: Original 5th place finisher Sean Curtis, was disqualified in post race tech inspection
The Legends are coming out next, and tentatively the SK's will follow them, and the Late Models and Mini Stock division will round out the evenings events.
There were 26 SK's on hand during this afternoon's practice. John Brouwer was again in attendance after a brief absense from WSB SK competition, although a blown motor and then a wreck by John brought the field of SK's back down to 25 cars.
-- Edited by openwheelracer at 09:39, 2005-07-04
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK feature as I write this, is still underway! But there has been absolutely every possible contact, and apparently the officials at one point completely lost control of the event.
...and the crowd definitely got their moneys worth and showed ther interest vocally and with inanimate obects.
The Waterford Speedbowl has been relatively without controversy of late, with the exception of the "NO beer night" debacle....Until tonight.
Seems like tonight's race was more of a Saturday night street fight without the fists. When a caution came out with 8 laps to go, I got a phone call to say that Curt Lenihan was self inflictedly stuck in the infield swamp after an unsuccessful attempt to run head on into Diego Monahan, after Diego running third took him out of the runner-up spot. This was after TC had taken the lead from Lenihan by force.
It gets worse, or better, depending who you were rooting for.... and believe me all this reads as confusing as it looked at the track, they say. And, whoever bought the speedy dry tonight is definitely in the red!
TC earlier in the race had shuffled Mooch around, and Mooch was ready to be lapped by Teddy, a caution came out for an unrelated incident, and Frank Mucciaciaro went relentlessly after TC to take him out, flatten his tire, or something of the sort.
Shawn Monahan apparently forced Gada to lose many spots as well, and Gada eventually finished 2nd.
With three laps to go, TC leading and Yuhas second, Miller third. Teddy and Yuhas side by side going down the front stetch, Yuhas almost has him and Teddy squeezes Yuhas into the wall....an unrelated caution comes out....
On the next restart, the same scenario, only this time Miller eventually takes TC out!
SK Feature Full Finish:
Ronnie Yuhas
Dennis Gada
Jay Miller
Chris Pastreyak
Diego Monahan
Wendell Dailey
Ted Christopher
Shawn Monahan
Keith Comisky
Kevin Konopka
Jeff Pearl
Ernie Bertrand
Pete Pavone
Mike Finkeldey
John Bergenty
Rob Janovic
Don Fowler
Curt Lenihan
Frank Mucciaciaro
Ronnie Silk
Mark Pane
Tom Fox
Rob Summers
Tyler Chadwick
Dennis Charette
What a night, hopefully we can get get more eyewitness acounts of tonight's events, and remember that I am relaying this from a cell conversation!
After the SK feature, the pits appear littered with more bent tempers than frames although there are plenty of both.
The last word came from an unidentified old lady who referred to TC as "a pig" and "a piece of you know what"!
Sure wish I had been there to see all that....Sounds like a great one.
The Late Models are taking the track now.
-- Edited by openwheelracer at 20:33, 2005-07-05
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
WOW!!! Tonight was crazy. First off I have to give props to Wendel Daily #66. Congrats on your heat win and the 5th place finish tonight. Awesome job WD. Second off all I heard a lot of people saying that ted had a tire going down and it went down in turn two and Jay happen to be there behind him. Something the Speedbowl has to check into is rought riding. I am not singleing out Ted but I think he did the most tonight. From practice to heats to the feature Ted was banging someone around. I think Ted is good for buisness at the bowl because let me tell ya when Ronnie Yuhas () got on the outside of Ted and eventualy got around him and Ted Spun out the crowd was cheering like crazy. There were a lot of tempers fumming tonight and I dont blame them there is a lack of respect out there on the track.
im sure most of you heard about Jay Miller getting DQ'ed for failing frame heights. Well jay appealed, and won. we get to keep the 3rd place finish, and received a $100 fine for failing tech.
Good for you guys but that just opened the door for alot of BS to happen.
If you're low you're low and should have to deal with it. Not sure at Stafford but Thompson and the Bowl always check chassis heights at the end of the feature. I'm unsure what leg you'd have to stand on and I bet it makes Doug Coby happy.