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Bruton Smith suing Wayne Newton: Las Vegas Motor Speedway executive O. Bruton Smith is suing singer Wayne Newton, charging Newton is delinquent on a $3.35 million loan and seeking to foreclose on Newtons Casa de Shenandoah ranch in Las Vegas. The lawsuit was filed in Clark County District in Las Vegas Feb. 9 by Smith, chairman and chief executive of Speedway Motorsports Inc., against Newton, his wife, Kathleen McCrone Newton, Newton company Desert Eagle LLC and a Newton Living Trust dated Dec. 19, 2001. The lawsuit was filed by attorneys Mark Ferrario and Brandon Roos of the Las Vegas office of the law firm Greenberg Traurig on behalf of Smith, whose company based in Concord, N.C., owns tracks around the country for NASCAR and other races. Smith is also the chairman and chief executive of automotive retailer Sonic Automotive Inc. of Charlotte, N.C. The suit says that in March 2006, when Wayne Newton and Smith were friends, the Newtons approached Smith and asked him to assist the Newtons and Desert Eagle in obtaining a $3.75 million loan from Bank of America by providing a personal guarantee. The suit says Wayne Newton planned to refinance existing debt with B of A and that the loan would be secured by Newtons 38-acre residence in Las Vegas at Pecos and Sunset roads and by a private jet valued at more than $2 million.(see full article at the Las Vegas Sun)(2-18-2010)