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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
It's another Thursday night of DWRS action at the Thompson Speedway, and the Nema Midgets are on hand as well, CSG is on hand to bring all the results to you so lets get down to it.
In Pro Stock heat race action Fred Astle Jr, behind the wheel of Rollie Lindblads #48 a car normally drivin by Chuck Docherty was a heat race winner.
In the SK Modifieds TC is on hand and won his heat race. A very scary incident took place in one of the SK heat races as the #50 of Bill Ramsey vaulted over the front stretch wall striking a pole and a golf cart that was parked near the starter's stand, fortunatley Ramsey or no one else was injured.
Watch this thread as the night goes on, as we will continue to update it as CSG reports in with results.
Two features are in the books, and in the Limited Sportsman the top 4 were:
Larry Barnett
Glenn Boss
Ed Puleo
Walt Hovey
And in the Late Models the top 5 were:
Woody Pitkat
Jeff Zuiedema
Charles Bailey III
John Falconi
Marc Palmisano
The Pro Stocks are next, CSG reports unusually small fields of cars in all divisions. We will update this thread when more results come in ............
The TIS Modifieds all 8 of them are the last feature of the evening with a fireworks display to cap things off. A huge thank you to CSG once again for all the results.
Thanks for the results. i have a few questions. is the car Teddy drove his CD car, or one of Kuhnel's? also, is the car Ceravolo driving Shawn Tryon's old car? thanks to anyone who can help.
To round out the evening, Chad Gaudiosi was the winner of the TIS Modified feature. So that does it for another Thursday night of DWRS action at the Thompson Speedway. Once again thanks to CSG, who with out him these live results from Thompson would not be possible. And to all of you out there for coming to MakingLaps for your news and results.