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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
THREE VEGAS TRIPS AVAILABLE TO ACTION SUPER SERIES DRIVERS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ACT-062806 BURLINGTON, VT - Northeast stock car race fans aren't the only ones who can win a trip to Las Vegas by attending September's ACTion Super Series race events. Trips are also available for drivers attending each of the three races. "We've decided to award one trip, including accommodations and airfare for two people, for each race - the Bond Auto Labor Day Classic on September 4, the REMAX National 150 on Sept 25 and the New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl, October 1-2," announced ACT president Tom Curley at a Tuesday (June 28) press conference in Burlington, VT. "Interestingly enough," Curley continued, "Each of the trips will be awarded by draw, to a driver who finishes in the fifth through 15th position in each race. And once a driver's won a trip, s/he's not eligible to win again," he concluded. Race fans who attend all three ACTion Super Series races are also eligible for a Vegas trip through the Bond Bonus program. The name of one lucky fan will be drawn at the season ending New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl, October 1-2 at Thunder Road Int'l Speedbowl, Barre, VT.