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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I decided to pass on SPEEDWEEKS this year to make sure those who could not attend had the best possible coverage here on the MakingLaps Forum.
But now it is time for my family and I to go on vacation. I will be gone from this Saturday the 13th until next Saturday the 20th. Anyone that wants to fill in for me, PLEASE DO.
Thanx and will see you in a week.
WMT, have a good time on vacation and I am sure things will be fine here. Hope you're going someplace nice. I just flew back from Southern Cal through Atlanta to Providence and the ground was white from Pheonix to Arkansas and most of the way up the east coast.
Oh yeah, how much an hour and where do we submit the time & expense reports?
Actually Muffy, I plan to be at "The Bowl" for Blast-Off 2010. How can I say no to reall Modifieds at my home track.
As for the "Vacation", I will not be going when originally planned. I will be gone from Thursday February 25th until March 6th. Once again anyone that wants to pich up the slack for me so to speak, it will be greatly appreciated.
Holy smokes!! Another vacation! Seems like you are supposed to be on one now and already you're planning one for right after you get back! You must have a great job.
So you are going to the Speedbowl for March 26 (practice), 27 and 28th this year...sweet. Bring your work gloves so you can help us on our car if needed.