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I can't wait to see if either one is the driver...sometimes there are others to choose from behind the scences. I just think he may choose someone that hasn't raced in a while on the tour. We will have to wait and see. Someone who has had expierenced at local and other tracks on the circuit where the driver has been...we shall see. If it is Doug..Good luck BOB!! Thats all I can say.
Zach can win. I know of at least one race he basically had stolen away from him by a late caution flag. I worked on the car that caused that caution. Doug has one win in nearly 100 starts. Bobby has one in a quarter of that. Not taking anything away from either driver, but one win does not make you a shoe in for a ride in my opinion. Unfortunately it will most likely come down to money over talent. If it were based soley on talent I do not think we would be talking about any of these drivers getting the ride over some of the rookies available. That is one million percent just my personal opinion.
i really dont think money is the issue here guys, i just think bob wants to be comfortable in his driver being able to win races. ive worked on a few different teams over the years and not one of them comes close to the preperation that is put into the 4 car. And if i remember correctly, didnt sylvester quit on his team 4 races into the season with the 77?
Ok lets see than why was Donny a winner with the 4 car? Was it the team? Him and the Equipment Bob has? Is he a winner now in the Trucks? HUMMMM It takes Great Equipment and not running for your family. Also, a good gel with the crew. And a car owner that listens to his driver once and a while right? So modracer until you know why Sylvester quit you need to know the whole story. Have you raced with the Chase? Oh no thats right you haven't...And how did DOUG do with Curt? HUMMM. It is what gels the best..the crew, the driver, car owner, crew chief and the equipment! Lets remember you don't have to win to be up top in points!
My opinion is it will come down to a combo of money and talent. I also believe Bob wants a driver with some edge to him, therefore i would say Coby has the lead on that one, however does his ego get to him too much? Just my opinion
-- Edited by Racer1 on Sunday 14th of March 2010 09:56:00 PM
i guess everyone will just have to wait and see who is chosen as the driver, but you cant take anything away from any of the drivers in the running.....they all have talent.
whelenmodifiedtour, bob has assured myself and the rest of the crew that we will be returning. So, with that said, unless he has some strange change of heart.....we will see you at the track. Hopefully this year will be as eventful as last year.