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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Tony Blanchard Race 101 New England Chassis Seminar
Would you like to learn how to set up your chassis from the same crew chief that helped lead NASCAR Sprint Cup driver Joey Logano to stardom in the USAR Hooters Pro Cup Series? Well now is your chance to learn from former Joe Gibbs Development crew chief Tony Blanchard. Tony Blanchard has become known among many in the racing industry as one of the top crew chiefs for working with and coaching young race car drivers. He is especially well known for his work with Joey Logano as Joey's crew chief for Joe Gibbs Development for the USAR Hooters Pro Cup Series. Along with working with Joey Logano Tony has worked on numerous NASCAR Craftsman Truck teams as well as Busch East and ARCA teams.
On March 6th 2010 you will have the chance to learn from one of the best in the racing industry as Tony Blanchard comes to New England to hold the Tony Blanchard Race 101 New England Chassis Seminar. Currently the main focus of the seminar will be based on
§Front end geometry
§Set up
§Springs and Shocks
§Bump steer and Bump stop
§Racecar Balance
Tony will also be bringing his shock dyno and spring rater to the seminar. Teams may bring one set of shocks to get tested. He will also be discussing how to get the most out of your racing budget. Tony Blanchard is encouraging all drivers and crews to inform the team at Race 101 what you specifically want to learn from attending the seminar. Once we receive feedback from interested drivers and crew members we will then adjust our class curriculum to focus on your needs.
The seminar is taking place in Auburn New Hampshire and the exact address will be presented upon registration. The seminar will be one day and will range from 8 to 10 hours starting at 9AM. Food and drink will be provided. A sum of $250 will be required per team to attend the seminar. Your team may consist of a maximum of 3 people. Payment for the seminar will need to be delivered by February 27th. Payment information will be presented to the team upon registration. We will need at least 10 drivers to make this seminar possible.
Tony Blanchard is looking forward to bringing his knowledge to the New England region for drivers and crews. If you have any friends, family or fellow racers that would be interested in attending the seminar we encourage them to join us. If you are interested please notify Thomas Netishen or register online at www.race101.net.
If you would like to attend or have any other questions please feel free to contact me at