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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour competed at the 3/8 mile Waterford Speedbowl Saturday , with Donny Lia taking home the victory .
Most of the press leading up to the event was centered around Chris Pasteryak . The son of Tour regular Charlie , Chris would be attempting to qualify for his first Tour race. Pasteryak would qualify an impressive 1th , and eventually finish in 20th .
Matt Hirschman, the son of defending champion Tony , also made his Tour debut coming home in 8th . Matt displayed the patient , smooth driving style that has brought his father championships on the Tour .
Two drivers who had very strong runs were Steve Whitt and Greg Shivers . Whitt ran consitently near the front eventually placing 5th . Shivers who continues to show great promise, came home in 9th .
One of the disapointing parts of the race , was the lack of an outside grove . Many thought that the driver who could best use the outside groove would have the advantage , but thhey were very mistaken . A venture to the high-side of the track proved to be unlucky for most .
Ken Barry would be the first of the unlucky drivers . Barry would get trapped on the outside , and eventually forced into the wall ending his night early .
The next victim would be Jim Storace . Storace was also caught on the outside and after a bump from Doug Coby hit the front-stretch wall hard . I talked to Jim after the race and learned that the car was history .
The biggest controversy of the event was the finish . Granted No one was beating Lia , but the finsh was unusual . The caution flew on the white flag lap , now for as long as I can remember the Tour has finished under green . For some reason with the cars STOPPED on the back-stretch the checker flagged was waved . This was confusing to several fans in attendance .
All in all in was a fun trip to Waterford . I got to see several friends , and spent alot of time with my father who had not been to the track since he was my Uncles crew cheif back in the Coupe days .
On a final not I would like to thank whoever changed the scheduling . A 7P.M. start time was advertised yet racing began around 6P.M.
Side note: It has been a rule the race finishes under green unless the yellow comes out after the white flag. If the white flag waves and then there is a caution the race is considered over.