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My condolences to the Tasca family. I only met Bob a few times but he was a very nice person and astute businessman building the family business from 1954 to its success today.
He was a great ambassador for Ford through his dealerships, racing and leadership. He had a lot of contributions to racing through the Tasca teams, introducing the 428 Cobra Jet to drag racing, longtime support of John Force and now his grandson Bob III competing on the NHRA Funny Car circuit. He helped Carroll Shelby and offered great insight to Ford throughout the years.
I remember the story of him convincing Henry Ford II to pay for a Mustang 'Street Boss' car to drag race back in the 1960s; Tasca would pay for the damages. Tasca took on anyone that had street tires including dragsters. He won 97 races and when Henry asked about it, Henry said that you convinced me to spend all that money and you've never lost a race! He replied that "I built it right. When you build something right, you don't lose. You win."
RIP Bob.
Nice interview with him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si-sa_XAZlY