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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Stafford Motor Speedway competitor and former champion Ted Christopher has been assessed a penalty from the track due to his on-track actions, as well as the pit scuffle between himself and #91 SK crew Chief Stash Butova.
Frank Ruocco nor any member of his team, has been assessed any penalty stemming from the occurrence, yet, and may never.
One week's suspension from competition, and one week's probation will hurt his point lead. Mathematically, a win from from Agor this week can tie Christopher for the point lead. Contact between Christopher and Brad Hietala in an SK heat race, and contact between Christopher and Frank Ruocco in the SK feature which then spilled over into the pit area, is the reason for the penalties.
Rumor has it, Christopher has threatened not return to competition at SMS if he was assessed a penalty. But, sources say, the #13 Mystique SK owned by Jim Galante WILL be in competition with or without Ted Christopher behind the wheel.
To view the penalty notice handed down by SMS officials for Friday night's event on June 17, 2005, click on the link below.
WHOA...now this is something. I've never even thought of seeing the day. This is really turning out to be a week of surprises. First, I'm done with high school as of this morning. Second, I read this and I'm stunned to find this out. Let me end with that. I don't want to go too farther.
I have to say this is some serious news . Jack Arute could not ask for better publicity . T.C. , love him or hate him , is a HUGE name in motorsports and this will gain TONS of press. As for his boycotting Stafford it would be his loss not the tracks . Although it could hurt the track as well as T.C. does bring fans . Personally I do not think the track can aford to lose many more marque drivers . Will be interesting to see how this pans out .
Also wonder if their could be a run in between the two drivers at Waterford , a track famous for chaos .
Christopher said he wasn't going to return. If he doesn't, I'd like to see him keep his word. That'll be a first in that category. The "I'm not coming back" speech part, that is.