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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Under an ominous sky, the green fell on tonight's events at The Thompson International Speedway, with the Thompson Mods running an eight car heat race with Roger Larson in the #80 taking the win.
The Pro Stocks had a 21 car field and ran two heats with Mike O'Sullivan in the #08 and Michael Ruttkamp in the #18 winning their respective heats. During one of the heats the #16 of Andy Johnson had a serious mechanical problem, (guessing a radiator hose blew)that involved the #13 of Jim Banfield as well, causing a major wreck and bringing out the redflag for track repairs for over a half an hour. Jim Banfield was apparently unhurt when he got out of the car, but was taking to the hospital to be checked out thoroughly after such a hard hit.
Limited Sportsmen action saw a field of 31 cars and ran two heats. Kevin Riley in the #28 and the #19 of Keith Desanctis won their qualifying events.
In the SK division a field of 26 cars ran two heats, A nice field with TC making a rare 2005 appearance in the SK division at TIS, and another newcomer in the #49 SK.
The top three in each SK heat were as follows:
First SK Heat:
Richard Savary
Todd Ceravalo
Kerry Malone
2nd SK Heat:
Bo Gunning
Tom Cravenho
Bert Marvin
The Thompson Modifieds are slated to run their feature first. We will be back with the results from it, and the rest of the feature events from TIS as the weather allows.
As quickly as I posted the heat results they had completed two feature events.
In the TIS ModsFeature, the top two were as follows:
Roger Larson
Mike Viens
and in the Limited Sportsmen Feature the top five were:
Keith Desanctis
Glen Boss
Kevin Reilly
Joe Arena
Paul Cotu Jr.
Side Note of interest: Perenniel front runner Larry Barnett experienced "possible motor trouble" and finished way down in the order.
The Pro Stocks are on the track, but we are currently monitoring the radar, and if it hasn't started raining there yet it should be. With any luck it will hold off until all features have run. The program seems to be running smoothly with the exception of the red flag in the Pro Stock Heat. Hopefully that will continue...
The rain held off for at least the Pro Stock feature and 3/4ths of the SK feature! Although the show has not been officially cancelled, the thunder and lightning discouraged most fans from staying at the track. The track is currently in a "holding pattern" waiting for the decision from above.
Pro Stock Feature Top Five:
Mike O'Sullivan
Jeff Zuidema
Norm Wren
Jeff Connors
The Mad "Dawg" George Bessette
With seven laps remaing in the SK feature, the current top four is as follows, Richard Savary. Bo Gunning, Tom Cravenho, Ted Christopher. If the show is considered a complete event (after completing over half of the scheduled laps as the rules the state is a possibility), the #07 of Bert Marvin, the #6 of Jeff Malave, and the #20 of Todd Ceravalo will finish way back in the running order after being involved in earllier cautions. It is up to the discretion of TIS management and officials how they handle the last seven laps. Do they call it a complete event and red checker it, or do they reschedule the last seven laps the next race date? It's up to them. We will let you know as soon as we hear anything on the decisions...
Tonight's event at Thompson International Speedway has been called due to rain. The SK feature HAS been Red/Checkered and the finishing order will be as they took the yellow when the rains came with seven laps to go.
The SK Feature top Four:
Richard Savary
Bo Gunning
Tom Cravenho
Ted Christopher
We don't the the status of the plans for the Mini Stock or Late Model features that hadn't run yet.
Thanks so much to MakingLaps.com member, racefan, and eyewitness CSG, who takes the time on his Thursday night's to bring us all these results. And for risking life and limb during those bolts of lightning, we thank you.
and thats the checker....
we'll save a spot in the stands for you next week!