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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I wonder how you make a COT resemble a beetle? Al Coule may have to paint that by hand because I don't think they make the right decals for this one!
Volkswagen and NASCAR?: The head of Volkswagen's motor sports program is at Homestead-Miami Speedway, fueling speculation that automaker is interested in joining Toyota as the second foreign manufacturer in NASCAR. Top NASCAR officials confirmed to The Associated Press that Hans-Joachim Stuck plans to meet with the sanctioning body. The officials requested anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the meeting. The topic of the meeting was unclear. Earlier this season, NASCAR chairman Brian France said the sanctioning body is open to accepting new manufacturers into the sport. The only requirement is that manufacturers must have production plants in the U.S. Volkswagen has a plant under construction in Tennessee, and the facility is scheduled to build midsize sedans in 2011.(Associated Press)(11-21-2009)
UPDATE: VW says they are not interested in NASCAR. But are looking at bringing their VW, Audi and Lamborghini brands to Grand Am and that is why they were in Homestead talking to NASCAR, which owns and runs Grand Am.(SPEED's Ralph Sheheen)(11-22-2009)
Ha ha ha, good one Spd!......... Can you imagine bein a fly on the wall in the shop for that conversation when say if Alan B Coull was letterin that talkin beetle from the tv commercials?