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NHIS selling to ISC? Is International Speedway Corp. adding to its track holdings? Sources say an announcement that New Hampshire International Speedway will join the ISC family could be made in July, but NHIS public relations director Fred Neergaard denies a sale is in the works.(Sporting News)(6-13-2005)
>>>>I dont know guys...... 1st they had a rumor that pocono might be sold.... now this..... think ISC is planning on owning both tracks and really shake up the schedule ?????? remains to be seen
Let us all PRAY that it DOES NOT happen . We would definitely lose at least one Cup date and does ISC care about the Modifieds ?
>>>> hell no ISC only cares about THE CHASE and those damn taxi cabs........ if the mods were exposed on speedtv like the hooters cup<and btw the stands were only a 3rd full at that race> it would blow most of the shows on speedtv out of the water
cancel speedfreaks<buffoons that dont know racing at all, there just newbies>
cancel 2 wheel tuesday<boring day of the week> change it to open wheel tuesday
WMT, USAC, WOO would make the rest of those shows look retarded..... lol
The Matoli's who own Pocono, and the Bahre's who own NHIS are the last of the independent track owners left on the Nextel Cup circuit. Every other series track is owned by either ISC, (France family) or SMI (Bruton Smith) Now both the Matoli's and Bahre's are probably some of the most respected Speedway owners that were ever on the circuit, but they have been at it for a long time and are getting on in years is it just me or does ISC and SMI seem like the proverbial "vulture", that circles over these tracks (Martinsville, Richmond, etc, etc) just waiting for the right time to swoop in and take over?
"if the mods were exposed on speedtv like the hooters cup"
But they can be, all it takes is money.
Speed Channel would have no interest in the USAR Pro Cup Series if it wasn't put together as one large commercial. They sell the slot to USAR to broadcast their races along with a deal for Hooters, Natuarally Fresh, Lucas and other series sponsors.
If someone approached Speed and agreed to purchase 2 hours of TV time to air whatever racing series they wanted, and purchased 75% of all the advertising time during that time span, Speed would sell it in a heartbeat.
Th "Vultures". Ha Ha love that comment Open Wheel. It is 1000% accurate . Bob Bahre has done so much for racing in New Hampshire and in the Northeast . But how long can he stand against companies like SMI and ISC? All we can do is hope that ISC keeps things the way they are at NHIS . They need to remeber that the FANS pay their salaries .