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Here are some thoughts and comments on the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour after the third race of the 2005 season .
1. Ted Christopher will be a threat - Love him or hate him "T.C." has the skills to get the job done . With a win at Riverhead Raceway Teddy has proved he will be a definite threat for the Title .
2. Taking risks is a part of racing? - It could be just me , but it seems that a few drivers who will go un-named are taking some dangerous risks . Most of these risks have come AFTER the drivers have allready spun out .
3. The Tour is ALIVE and WELL . Close to 60 different drivers have attempted to qualify for at least one race so far . This has to be the largest car count for any NASCAR Touring division .
4. Rubbing is Racing - Read any reports about the Tour this season , rough driving has become the standard . I personally have seen more than one wreck caused by a drivers EGO exceeding his capabilities .
5. This is more of a wish than a comment BUT A CONNECTICUT TRACK NEEDS TO RUN TOUR TYPE MODIFIEDS ON A WEEKLY BASIS . Or a Tour similar to the TVMRS should be started around the CT area . Touring Modified racing is growing in numbers while the "SK" type have seen a rapid decline in car counts .
These are just my opinions . And we all know the saying about opinions . Take them for what you will .
Here's another comment, this time about qualifying:
Has anyone noticed that those who don't usually race every race tend to make the field more than those who race every race? I'm not saying that those full-season veterans aren't as good as the part-time racers, but that's just my opinion. Going back to the Spring Sizzler earlier this season at Stafford. The three fastest times were made by drivers who reguarly race on the tour. But then, I noticed that the fourth fastest time wasn't made by a full-season veteran. It was made by a Stafford SK regular. If you don't remember the top-four original fast drivers, let me refresh your memory (and mine, as I forget the top-3 qualifiers):
Fastest qualifier: Donny Lia (Tour regular)
2nd fastest: Tony Hirshman (Tour regular)
4th fastest: Frank Ruocco (5th race in a Tour car)
Okay...so I forgot the third fastest qualified driver for that race. But you know what I mean.
That was a great point Mandy . Alot of the "part-time" drivers have many laps in SK Type Modifieds at the tracks they attempt to run with the Tour . Your example of Frank Ruocco for instance , races at stafford every week in an SK modified . Infact he is the most recent winner there.
The Whelen Modified Tour is one of if not the most competitive racing series around . there have been close to 60 drivers who have attempted to qualify for at least one event . Last year it was close to 90 , with only 12 drivers making every race .
Thank you for your response.