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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
1. Jerry Higbie 2. Chuck McKee 3. Jimmy Phelps 4. Andy Bachetti 5. Rick Laubach 6. Brett Hearn 7. Steve Dodd 8. Rick Mill 9. Billy Decker 10. Craig Mitchell 11. Clinton Mills 12. Bob McGannon 13. Danny Creeden 14. Tommy Meier 15. Erik Holmgren 16. Mel Schrufer 17. Colin Jackson 18. Ric Hill 19. John Lieto 20. Matt Sheppard 21. Mitch Gibbs 22. Jeff Heotzler Sr. 23. Jimmy Johnson 24. Rich Eggers 25. Mike Kolka 26. Pat Ward 27. Anthony Perrego 28. Michael Storms 29. David Van Horn Jr. 30. Ken Tremont Jr. 31. Tim Hindley 32. Donnie Wilson 33. Tom Hindley 34. Bruce Kline 35. Bobby Varin 36. Gary Edwards Jr. 37. Kirk Horton 38. Danny Johnson 39. Billy Eggers Jr. 40. Billy Lowden Jr. 41. Chris Shultz 42. Jeremy Markle 43. Richie Eurich 44. Mike Walther
-- Edited by scott121476 on Monday 9th of November 2009 04:56:52 PM
as a eye witness to the race...... it was a marathon...... 21 yellows, alot of single car wrecks, flat tires and we also had the 12 car big one on lap 23....... that took out about 6-8 cars... it was a test of man and machine as 44 cars started and 16 finished...... other racing happenings there........ the races started at 10 with warmups, pro stocks heats then took to the racing surface, and then the last chance mod consi as 4 cars went to the big dance....... it was to my shock that they sent 16 cars home....... pretty good mod turn out...... as long as the 200 took i was able to get out of the speedway at a resaonable time of 4:30 in the afternoon......... great time there as i had not been there in 25 years.......
-- Edited by scott121476 on Monday 9th of November 2009 05:42:28 PM