Hate to do it, but just some basics; Please acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.
Please talk smack, we encourage healthy debate! BUT, You also must agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. You know the difference...
We hate spam as much as you do, but we also encourage advertisng by drivers, and teams, as well as other racing news and information websites. Feel free to place a link and/or banner in your signature or send your artwork/links to us for placement at adv@makinglaps.com.
Post anonymously or register, but only members will win random prizes periodically. We are pleased to have a great library of animated avatars, members may send a brief request of what they would like their avatar to be by emailing the bratmaster38@aol.com.
Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Just letting everyone that views the forum here know we will no longer allow after 5 years of having to play traffic cops, anon posting anymore.
It just was getting proggressively worse every day by allowing it. No matter how many times you were pleaded with, an no matter what tone we took with the anons they just continued to do what they did, and it was getting to the point where the inmates were running the asylum.
I will say this, it had nothing to do with any one paticular driver, official, series, track, or event it had to do with all of them because no matter who or what it was they were just open season for the anons.
I hope that this will end much of the rampant bashing an not hurt participation to much but if it does, it will be worth all the staff heres piece of mind in the end.
for people to post anon, they had too much lee-way on what boundrys to cross, some where borderline, some were removed, we as a group will not tollerate drama from any source, the main reason OWR as this board here is that so people can post without feeling threatened or talking about people and wearing a mask at the same time...... please if you are anon and you want to join this board.... i have no problem with you joining........ but refrain from the nonsence that i have seen in the wmt section for the last few months......... thank you and i wish to see you guys on here more............ just behave.......
Thank You, I read half the posts and click back to another Forum because i get sick of the School like BS. I was on this site everynight for a long time, and then reading some of this crap just made me shy away for a bit. Thanks Richie.
Thank's for the support Spd, it was definitely a tough decision, but shutting down was never considered we enjoy to much what we do.
Sick, we knew there was a definite chance it would hurt participation on the board, but it just proves my point. It's not difficult to register as a member, and were not asking for any ridiculous amount of info from anyone. We still planned to allow a little more leeway than most boards on what you can post, but as we thought, make it where you have to be identifiable and people aren't as willing to bash others, and that's not what we want the forum to be about anyway. Good constructive discussion is what we want.
I also will say it's a lot easier to not be involved in one of these forums, as I have been one of the ones who have sat back and said (About other forums) well why are they so strict, or I would have let that go. Until your the one getting the pm's or emails, with the L (Lawyer) word being thrown at you, you really can't walk a mile in our shoes.
In the end we just want to have a place to post info about racing, all kinds of racing and give a place for everyone to come talk about it, but just like in life there has to be some rules or some form of order or your not even in control of your own "House" the posters are and that was just the way we thought it was becoming to be.