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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
It's another Friday night, and action is underway in Stafford Springs, CT., at the Stafford Motor Speedway. It's 7:30 pm and the DARE Feature is underway. Tthe tentative schedule will be the Late Models, the SK Modifieds, and then the Limited Late Models, who will cap off the evening with their feature last. Sometime tonight, the Summer Blast-Off series will kick-off with an aerial Fireworks display when it gets dark enough, so depending on how smoothly each division's feature event moves along, the Fireworks may end the show.
There are 21 SK's on hand for the feature event tonight, with the #07 car of Mark Anderson becoming a fresh face in the 2005 SK Modified feature lineup.
We will be in the chatroom until the checker falls on tonight's Limited Late Model event, so please come and join us to get the results as they come in from the track.
The Dare Event has become history with the podium finishers as follows:
Stacy Botticello
Robert Dow
David Gambacorta
All finishes are unofficial until the Nascar officials, and the officials fom SMS, deem them so.
The Late Model division are taking the track, and it is approximately 8:00pm. I will be in the chatroom with LIVE results from this division.
Sidenote: Apparently Kenny Horton won one SK Heat. and Chuck Docherty won the other. There were only two heats and no consi events for this division, as has become the norm due to the small car count.
Keep watching or come and chat!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Wow, sounds like the Late Model Feature was just NUTS!
Apparently, Tom Fearn, after leading for a while under nice clean green, had Mike Quintiliano pull a Bonzai move on him, taking him out. Quintiliano was assessed with a Stop&GO penalty in the pits, both finished in the back.
Then on the last lap, (one of many altercations on the last lap), Jay Stuart waas running second only to be sent into the infield by Tom Butler. Butler went on to finish second, unofficially.
A quote from an eyewitness, "really a crazy race. Cars spinning everywhere, tempers flaring, the crowd on it's feet choking on the dirt kicked up in the infield by Jay Stuart. It was hard to get more than the top four due to cars scattered all over the track when the checker dropped." We will certainly update any changes in the podium finishers.
Late Model Podium Finishers
Joe Rzeszutek
Tom Butler
Jim Peterson
Ed Ricard
They were still deciding whether to run the SK feature or to have the fireworks. There was cleanup necessary on the track before the SK's could take the green. We will bring the SK results as soon as they become available
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
The SK's were just as bad if not worse than the Late Models! Unofficially, of the 21 cars that started the feature, only 11 or so finished. Because they are sorting it all out, we have the top 5 and are waiting for the full finish.
SK Feature Results:
Frank Ruocco ( congrats to the boys, good job!)
Jeff Malave
Doug Coby
Ted Christopher
Lloyd Agor
Jeff Baral
Kenny Horton
John Sandberg
Curt Brainard
Brad Heitala
Donny Lia
Mark Anderson
Todd Owen
Jeff Johnson
Chris Osella
Chuck Docherty
Woody Pitkat
Keith Rocco
Willie Hardie Jr
Mike Holdridge
Eric Berndt
Mike Holdridge evidently had a tough night, after being accused of causing a wreck, he was thrown out of the event. We don't have any specific details on this penalty.
Kenny Horton in the #19 helped Willie Hardie Jr., into the wall and he did not return, finishing 19th.
Ted Christopher in typical come from the back fashion, did so more than 3 times tonight and finished 4th. He was in at least two wrecks and spun at least three times.
While getting the finish I could hear the fireworks in the background. When they are completed The Michael Bennett Feature , ooops I mean the Limited Late Model Feature will be taking the track and completing the last of tonight's feature events. We will bring the podium to you as soon as we get it. I think I can just cut and paste last weeks and go to bed!
With all the controversy tonight I can't wait to hear another prospective of the night's racing from Mandy B!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:07, 2005-06-10
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:21, 2005-06-10
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Well, I almost could have cut and pasted, but there was one change in the podium tonight.
Limited Late Model Feature Podium:
Michael Bennett
Andrew Durand
Mike Nadeau ( a breath of fresh air )
*******It was brought to our attention that TC may have been down one lap due to his numerous spins and wrecks. SMS still says he was 4th but only completed 39 laps. I'm sure they will figure it out and we will adjust our finish accordingly. Afterall, it's only official when SMS and Nascar deems it so!*********
What a great chat tonight, thanks to everyone who participated, and to all the new users who stopped by to check it out. We are there every Friday night at 8:30, see you next week!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Ladies and gentlemen, it's officially take time! (If I could, I would have done it this morning. But I left for the beach. Go figure.)
SK Modifieds: Great race! Couldn't wait to go down to Victory Lane. And I did just that. Congratulations to Ruocco for a wonderful win! (Now that put a smile on my face...just getting in the picture!)
Late Models: Another wonderful winner with Rzeszutek coming out on top. With all of the crazy stuff happening with five to go, God knows who could have won that race. Just happy to see another favorite.
Limited Late Models (aka Michael Bennett Feature): I'm going to write a letter to Arute if he wins another one next week. This is not only driving me insane, but it's also starting to bug the holy crap out of me.
DARE Stocks: Another race where you couldn't tell who the winner was going to be until the final restart. But we have Stacey winning and becoming the all-time DARE Stock feature wins leader (I counted weeks in advance and noticed the number coming into this week).
Well...that's it. Next week might be a little shaky for me, depending on what happens. My mom has to take a test (150 questions), so I might not be at the track. If I am, you can count on my takes being right here!
Archive time! I would like to dig something out of my Photobucket.com account for just a second. Let's shoot back to the SK post-race photos for a second. I'd like to show you a little something I found online about two or three weeks ago:
And here's a cutout of a special someone that I'd like you to meet:
Ladies and gentlemen...that would be...your very own Queen of the Stafford Takes...MandyB! I know you can't really tell what I look like, but yes...that is me, in the flesh. I told you I went down there. I just needed proof, that's all. :)