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(Naples, ME – June 8, 2005) Roy’s All Steak Hamburgers, a local tradition for many, many years in the Auburn, ME area has signed on as the title sponsor of the Infinity Business Group PASS Series Triple 50’s At Oxford Plains Speedway, Oxford, ME on Saturday night June 11, 2005.
Roy’s will be joined by associate sponsors T& K Concrete of Hebron, ME as the sponsor of the first 50 lap segment, Chase Excavation of Falmouth, ME as the sponsor of the second segment, Rhodes Concrete of Denmark, ME as the sponsor of the final 50 laps, and Mike Rowe & Sons Trucking of Turner, ME will be the Dash race sponsor.
The IBG-PASS Super Late Model/Pro Stocks will follow the same qualifying procedure as they do in all 150 lap race – time trials, followed by heats and consi(s), then the dash for the top ten in time to set the field for the first segment. Thereafter, it all takes a turn for excitement and adventure because the field will be inverted after the first and second 50–lap segments.
The winner will be the driver who accumulates the best combination of finishes in all three segments. For example, if you win segment one, you get one point, if you work your way from the rear to tenth after the inversion in segment two you get ten points, and if you’re third in segment three you get three points for a total of 14 points. The possibilities are virtually endless. Of course, you could make it simple and win all three segments for a total of three points, but that’s not going to happen with the expected big field of PASS regulars, outlaw visitors, and many of the Oxford Pro-Stocks.
In addition, You will see a 40 lap feature by the Lee Auto Mall Late Models, a 30 lap Mini Stock feature, double 20 lap Strickly Stock features, and a 30 lap Limited Sportsman feature. All that racing action comes before the Roy’s All Steak Hamburgers Triple 50s, and remember, yellows don’t count in PASS racing so you will 150 laps of green flag action.