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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Cherry Park Speedway - Built as a Horse Track in 1882. 1/2 Mile Dirt Oval 1933 - 6/16/1935, 5/30/1939 - 7/23/1939. 1/5 Mile Dirt Oval 7/28/1946. Located on SR 177. Torn down in 1959. 1/5 Mile Paved Oval 8/11/1946 - 1951, 1954. Now a Housing Development. Rt. 177, Avon, CT http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=7057
Danbury Racearena - aka Danbury Fair Race Track, Danbury Speedway, Danbury Fair Speedway. 1/2 Mile Dirt Oval 10/06/1908 - 10/07/1939. 1/5 Mile Paved Oval 6/01/1940 - 5/10/1942, 09/1945 - 1947. 1/4 Mile Paved Oval 5/31/1947 - 9/30/1951. 1/3 Mile Dirt Oval 10/05/1951 - 10/08/1955, 6/07/1958. 1/3 Mile Paved Oval 6/14/1958 - 10/12/1981. At the Danbury Fairgrounds. Held Boat Racing in a moat outside of the track in August, 1958. Home track of the Southern New York Racing Association (SNYRA) 1952-1955, 1958-1981. Site is now the Danbury Fair Mall. .7 Backus Ave., Danbury, CT http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=1382
Danbury Mill Plain Micro-Midget Oval - 1/20 Mile Oval 1960 - 1962. The Corners were Paved and Straights were Dirt. 43 Mill Plain Road, Danbury, CT 06811 http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=3084
North Haven Speedway - Raced Motorcycles. 1/4 Mile Cinder Oval 1932 - 1939. May have hosted Auto Racing. Butler Rd., N. Haven, CT 06473 http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=7063
Norwich Fairgrounds - 1/2 Mile Dirt Oval 8/12/1934 - 8/19/1934. Located at SR 82 & Surrey St. Now a Housing Development. SR 82 & Surrey St., Norwich, CT http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=7064
Plainville Stadium - 1/4 Mile Dirt Oval 4/10/1949. 1/4 Mile Paved Oval 4/17/1949 - 1980. Located on SR 372. Rt. 372/250 New Britain Ave, Plainville, CT 06062 http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=1535
Sage Park Speedway - 1/2 Mile Dirt Oval 8/12/1934. Four miles from Hartford on US 5-A. Hal French fataly injured during last race event. Sage Park Rd. & Capen St., Windsor, CT 06095 http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=7080
Silver City Speedway - (Meriden) Ran Half-Midgets a few times on 1/10 Mile Paved Oval in 1985. Now a 1/4 Midget Track.
West Haven Speedway - aka Savin Rock Amusement Park, Donovan Field (In honor of "Wild Bill" Donovan, a NY Yankees Manager). 1/5 Mile Dirt Oval 7/07/1935 - 10/27/1935. 1/5 Mile Paved Oval 5/28/1936 - 9/11/1941, 8/30/1945 - 1961. Al Herman died here in a crash on 6/18/1960. West Haven, CT http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=7083 *********************************************************************************************************
East Windsor Speedway - (near Highstown) 1/2 Mile Semi Banked Dirt Oval. Possibly a Hosuing Development now. East Windsor Township, NJ (aka: East Windsor Fairgrounds, Acella Speedway) 1/2-mile clay oval (6/11/1965 - 8/23/2002 http://maps.live.com/default.aspx?v=...r___&encType=1
Flemington Fairgrounds Speedway - Off Rte. 31. Raced as NASCAR Sanctioned 5/8 Mile Asphalt Oval in 1990's, also hosting the Race Of Champions for Asphalt Modifieds. Ran previously as a 5/8 Mile Square Dirt Track hosting Big-Block Modifieds. Now a Shopping Mall.
Trenton Fairgrounds - Now a Museum. The Backstretch Inner Dog Leg is still visible, and now a Public Street. Once was home to the Race Of Champions for Asphalt Modifieds. http://www.historicaerials.com?poi=990
Vineland Speedway - 1.5 Mile Road Course, 1/2 Mile Paved Oval, and a drag strip. Signifcant portions of the facility are still somewhat intact. *************************************************************************************************************
Sage Park Speedway - 1/2 Mile Dirt Oval 8/12/1934. Four miles from Hartford on US 5-A. Hal French fataly injured during last race event. http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=9434 US 5-A (Sage Park Rd), Windsor, CT 06095 Site is now Windsor High School (50 Sage Park Road, Windsor, CT 06095)
Silver City Speedway - (Meriden) Ran Half-Midgets a few times on 1/10 Mile Paved Oval in 1985. Now a 1/4 Midget Track. http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=6331 835 Hanover Rd., Meriden, CT 06451
Thompson Int'l Speedway http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=1387 193 E. Thompson Rd., Thompson, CT 1971 - Able to see the original 1/4 mile oval still intact :).
Westport Westport, CT
Some other very recent additions:
All-Connecticut Reliability Run CT
Automobile Club of Hartford Endurance Run CT
Endurance run of the Automobile Club of America New York to Southport, CT
NJ Hinchliffe Satdium - (Paterson) 1/5 Mile Oval used intermittantly from 1934 - 1951. http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=1440 170-176 Maple St, Paterson, NJ 07522
Vineland Speedway - 1.5 Mile Road Course, 1/2 Mile Paved Oval, and a drag strip. Signifcant portions of the facility are still somewhat intact. http://www.historicaerials.com/?poi=1433 832-870 College Dr, Vineland, NJ 08360
-- Edited by yankeeracer on Thursday 14th of January 2010 03:28:56 PM
The "Delaware Township, NJ" track, is not in Delaware Township (renamed Cherry Hill) but in nearby Pennsauken. This track started as a Greyhound track in the 1930's. That being illegal, the track was quickly shut down. It was later used to race quarter midgets.
The track is long gone, but the rather substantialy constructed grandstand building remains. It is now an unpainted furniture store.
This was an 1/8 mile steeply banked wood track that was reconstructed from the 6-day bike race track from Madison Square Garden.
Though not used for motor sports, a feature event for bicyle track racing at that time was the motor paced race. This is where cyclists draft behind special motorcyles. This type of racing is still popular in Europe.
Track Bicyle racing was still popular at that time in urban areas, it is strange to see this track in the middle of very rural NJ.
The "Delaware Township, NJ" track, is not in Delaware Township (renamed Cherry Hill) but in nearby Pennsauken. This track started as a Greyhound track in the 1930's. That being illegal, the track was quickly shut down. It was later used to race quarter midgets.
The track is long gone, but the rather substantialy constructed grandstand building remains. It is now an unpainted furniture store.
interestings posts keith!!!!!!!
i would like to see an aerial of that if you can find it........... that site has 7 stages of development from 1931 to 2008............ would be interesting to see what had became of that place......... and this track only ran for a month or 2..........
-- Edited by keith58 on Monday 16th of August 2010 02:32:29 PM
-- Edited by keith58 on Monday 16th of August 2010 02:33:43 PM
sorry about the long intervals between posts, been a busy summer for me.......
looking at that aerial from 1940 to 2007, you can still see a partical outline where the track was...... i think ho-ho-kus speedway aka bergen county park in NJ fall under the same catagory.......
thank you for your addtion to the aerials section!!!!!
ho-ho-kus speedway, ho-ho-hus nj, track was visable in 1931, it closed in fact in 1938 after a accident that killed 2 spectators..... somewhere between 1938 and 1953 it was turned into a housing development