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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
The Whelen Modified Tour invaded the 1/4 mile Riverhead Raceway Saturday . With over forty cars competing for 28 starting posistions , this is one tough race to make .
During practice it became quite obvious the track was going to be FAST . When Time Trials got underway most could not believe just how fast the track was . The pole for last years event was a lap of 11.8 seconds , that was not good enough to qualify this year . The cars were broken up into 3 seperate groups , with each group gaining more speed . In the end Eric Beers would set a Track Record and take home the Bud Pole Award.
Here are just a few observations from the race .
1. Track regular Chuck Steuer showed how to run the outside as he charged his way back to the front after pitting for an apparent overheating problem .
2. Zach Sylvester , the points leader heading into the event , had a rough night but salvaged a 14th place finish .
3. Chuck Hossfeld was one of several drivers protesting their finish after the event . Hossfled was forced to pit , and from what most saw , was given the GO sign upon returning to the track . However , he was penalized by NASCAR and held for a lap in the infield .
4. Ken Barry had a spin that looked to be trouble , coming off turn four Barry spun to the inside and came back up directly infront of the pack . Many in the stands and pits were not very happy with his move . Barry would go on to a 10th place finish.
5. Another controversial incident involved the #69 of Tommy Cloce . Cloce suffered severe front end damage as part of a multi-car tangle . The damage was severe enough that it prevented him from entering the Pit Lane, leaving the entrance blocked . This had more than one tream and several fans quite aggrevated with Cloce.
6. Eric Beers proved beyond a doubt that he is fully recovered from his injurys at Thompson. He won the pole in qualifying , and went on to a second place finish .
One final note A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE ENTIRE HAMMER RACE TEAM #4 R.O.C. MODIFIED . The hospitality was greatly appreciated .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 10:05, 2005-06-06