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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
This happens to be one of the eeriest pictures I have ever seen in my life. Follow the arrow and see if you see what the rest of us saw.
Can you tell me the year this was taken, the track, and the drivers involved?
If you can see it, I'm sure you will want to tell all your friends about this one, I have nightmares about this shot, and I wasn't even there, unlike like everyone else. It was the only race of his I missed that year, and he was unhurt, thankfully!
Thanks to conexpj for digging this shot out of the archives for us!
-- Edited by bratmaster at 22:51, 2005-06-03
-- Edited by bratmaster at 18:41, 2005-06-04
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
It was Tucker Reynolds Jr. in the #34 at Seekonk if I remember correctly . We used to call him "Devil Driver" for a different reason . After this crash it brought on a whole new meaning . The car on top was the #78 of Steve Lombardo , I think . I forget the year but will guess 2000 or 2001.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 09:34, 2005-06-06
I remember seeing this picture for the first time and actually getting weak at the knees. The image in the fire of a gruesome creature is only apparent to some. Some can't see it. If you can see the image in the fire let me know!
Thanks to Yankeeracer for almost getting the question correct and to Whelenmodifiedtour who answered the rest of the question.
It was Tucker Reynolds Jr., in the #34, with Steve Lombardo in the #78 who lay on top of him. The year was 2001 and the track the infamous Seekonk Speedway in Mass. They both walked away unscathed, Thankfully.
I will leave this thread open for people who would like to post that they can see the image in the fire. Tell me I'm not crazy, can you see it?
-- Edited by bratmaster at 12:24, 2005-06-07
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
Brat you are definitely NOT crazy , the image of a "Devilish Creature" is quite evident . As Tucker is a good friend it gives me chills just seeing it again . I made several races with Tucker and crew that season on our little tour we did , the Seekonk race was one I am glad I missed .
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 15:39, 2005-06-06
Well gang, I guess it's time to throw my 2 cents in on this one. I was there that day per usual, crewin' on the "Ol 34" and what everyone had hoped would be a good turnout of SK's, only ended up being about dozen cars. But you had TC, TRJ, Ronnie Yuhas, and a few other decent cars among the small field. Tucker and TC put on a show that day, swappin' the lead back and forth lap after lap, bumpin' and runnin' each other, even a slide job or two. With a few laps to go in the race, Lombardo made a Banzai run under the #34 goin' in to turn 3, spinning himself and Tucker. Then Lombardo wasnt finished, as he proceeded to drive over the hood of the #34, decapatating the carb causing a QUICK flash fire. (Whoever snapped the shot is one heck of a photographer, as the fire was out almost before it started). We quickly regrouped and the driver beat us back to the pit area. After a few words with the #78 crew chief, who honestly stated "Hey, I don't drive the car I just work on it!" We loaded up and had quite a few fans come over and say that it was one of the best runs they had ever saw someone give TC, (remember folks this was pre James Civali, lol) and even Ted himself was heard to say, " That was fun, but why were you bangin' on me so much hey".
The things that people say that make you go.... hmmmmm?