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I HERD FROM A GREAT SOURCE...PREECE TO CHILDRESS DRIVING A BLACK 3 WITH THANKS BIG JOHN ON THE SIDE ...bla bla bla Like I have said before this thread is FOOLISH along with these foolish "pigeons" this thread is out of control ill say it again if you dont have anything solid why waste your time
I will have to agree (somewhat at least) with the last Annon post. things have been getting a little insane with the "I heard from a good source". I have two things to say:
1. If it is such a "good source", why can't anyone state who their source is. 2. If your information is so valid, why is it always posted as ANNON.
I will have to agree (somewhat at least) with the last Annon post. things have been getting a little insane with the "I heard from a good source". I have two things to say:
1. If it is such a "good source", why can't anyone state who their source is. 2. If your information is so valid, why is it always posted as ANNON.
well, a source is probably a 'good source' instead of 'john', 'mike', 'gina', etc. because that said source is 'in the know' and is confided in not to say anything, but is telling people anyway
the person receiving the information is likely also confided in not to say anything, but is spewing it here and probably in other forums....that person would be acting in a self-defeating way to 1) reveal him/herself and to 2) rat out their own source....
in most cases, the people 'in the know' and the people who have access to this information can be identified quite easily by the people who don't want the information to go out; since no official press release has been released....
I agree Annon. But MOST of these "good source" RUMORS turn out to be nothing more than gibberish. The ones that say " I know for a fact" or "You can take that to the bank".
you have got to be kidding first off RCR was a joke to make a point (zoolander) earth to annon it was a joke and your right other annon Preece may be going south that is to the north south shoot out but not in the 3 prob his own car hopefully whips the southern boys
Anonymous wrote:
I just asked preece about the Gibbs and RCR deal, He said to whoever heard that, that he wished he knew he was going down south
As far as who,s going where its very simple the ones that need to know do and the ones that don,t have the real connections to the teams don,t.I have heard some statements from the team on somethings but nothing is etched in stone or its not a done deal yet.However I haven,t heard the great catchalls ,you didn,t hear it from me or nobody is supposed to know this but I"ll tell you but don,t tell anyone yet.The problem is its all credibility if they told me not to say anything and I was stupid enough to post it I would be finished with them.Hell I wouldn,t be allowed in the shop ever.As far as the Race shop what happens there stays there end of story.I have learned because I was stupid enough to posted something once that I shouldn,t have posted .I got my butt chewed out and told next time you will not be welcome here any more and we don,t care how much you contribute to the team.Harsh ,no reality yes when you lose their trust your finished.I really think we,ll know a lot more after the awards banquet in a couple of weeks .Its going to be a tough couple of weeks because I really want to know too.
I,ll agree with the Moderator on Mckennedy in the 21 after all they did team up for a race this year did,t they?I,m really impressed with the progress that Jon has made the past two seasons.I watched him come from the back of the pack at Seekonk to win the race.He really put on a showfor the fans that night thats for sure.I also remember him driving the BRE34 at Symerna years ago I have to say I was not impressed with his performance thats for sure.However he has been quite impressive this year and has turned into a good racer.Maybe the 21 would be where he lands.JMHO
The following comes straight from Ryan Preece's mouth. It is from Brian Danko's November 3rd 2009 "Whelen Modified Tour Report"
Next year, everything will pretty much be the same; I will be back with the Boehlers. I plan on starting off the year racing my grandfathers Florida modified at the New Smyrna Speedway in February. But added, I am looking for a ride for either the Sk division or the tour type modifieds.